Anyone gotten the implant to stop a duck from laying?


8 Years
Jul 26, 2014
Hi! Has anyone here gotten the implant to stop your duck from laying after egg issues? Did the implant work for your duck? How long did it stop her from laying (one season, two)? Any info or experience with this would be much appreciated! :)


A little more info: My girl Pepper here was just eggbound for the second time in a month, so she is booked for an appointment on Wednesday to get the implant. She should be finished laying for the season now since she always stops end of June/July each year, but I don't want to risk another emergency vet visit. She had become eggbound last month as well, but did end up laying it herself before the vet visit. X-rays showed no other eggs in her at that time, so we assumed she was done for the year and opted to do the implant before she starts to lay next April. BUT, then she surprised us by starting to lay again a couple weeks later and ended up eggbound this past Tuesday. What a mess!

Anyway, looking for others' experiences with the chip and any advice you might have. Thanks! ^-^
Yes implants (deslorelin) can help shut down your ducks reproductively. I use for my chicken/hen (lasted 8 months but can last 6-12month avg) but then when she was getting broody and laid an egg after 8 months I got another Implant put in.

When I brought my Rouen hen to the vet last year for reproductive issues, they made it sound as though hormonal implants were illegal (or not approved for use by FDA, perhaps?) in the U.S. (I don’t think they said just Vermont).

At any rate, that was clearly bad info as I’ve recently seen multiple posts from those living in the U.S. who have gotten implants for their reproductively problematic ducks/chickens.

What has been your experience with the implants? Did your hen experience any side effects? Did she have to be sedated or under full general anesthesia? What is the typical cost in your area?

I would definitely consider an implant for Daphne prior to next spring (or sooner, if she continues to have a rough transition into winter) if I could be convinced that it is a safe procedure that will not harm her in other ways down the line.

Anyways, any info that you (or others) can share will be greatly appreciated!
When I brought my Rouen hen to the vet last year for reproductive issues, they made it sound as though hormonal implants were illegal (or not approved for use by FDA, perhaps?) in the U.S. (I don’t think they said just Vermont).

At any rate, that was clearly bad info as I’ve recently seen multiple posts from those living in the U.S. who have gotten implants for their reproductively problematic ducks/chickens.

What has been your experience with the implants? Did your hen experience any side effects? Did she have to be sedated or under full general anesthesia? What is the typical cost in your area?

I would definitely consider an implant for Daphne prior to next spring (or sooner, if she continues to have a rough transition into winter) if I could be convinced that it is a safe procedure that will not harm her in other ways down the line.

Anyways, any info that you (or others) can share will be greatly appreciated!
i love how much you love that duck
Expect to see some changes after the implant starts working. Decrease in food intake and being less active can be some side effects but
When I brought my Rouen hen to the vet last year for reproductive issues, they made it sound as though hormonal implants were illegal (or not approved for use by FDA, perhaps?) in the U.S. (I don’t think they said just Vermont).

At any rate, that was clearly bad info as I’ve recently seen multiple posts from those living in the U.S. who have gotten implants for their reproductively problematic ducks/chickens.

What has been your experience with the implants? Did your hen experience any side effects? Did she have to be sedated or under full general anesthesia? What is the typical cost in your area?

I would definitely consider an implant for Daphne prior to next spring (or sooner, if she continues to have a rough transition into winter) if I could be convinced that it is a safe procedure that will not harm her in other ways down the line.

Anyways, any info that you (or others) can share will be greatly appreciated!

I actually work at a vet hospital with an avian specialist that’s board certified so this is how I have so much experience with this!

we use the deslorelin implants most commonly in birds and ferrets. We put these implants in all kind of parrots, chickens, ducks, etc.

Smaller birds like a cockatiel or parakeet, we would usually put the implant subcutaneously over the shoulder blades. Anything bigger, we but in the breast muscle. This includes my 350g hen, pebbles. She gets hers in her breast muscle. We give a small amount of lidocaine just under the skin, then we inject the implant. No anesthesia needed. Sometimes for smaller birds the anesthesia can be helpful so they hold still/easier to restrain since they are so small. 9/10 we do not use anesthesia and they do just fine.

side effects usually include less of an appetite (since they aren’t laying they don’t need the calorie intake! So they just don’t wAnt to eat as much.)

Others can also include just not acting totally themselves, maybe a little more quiet/less vocal, less energetic.

With my hen I mostly just noticed her just not needing/wanting as much food. Her comb shrunk in size A LOT!

i know these implants can come in different sizes. I don’t know off the top of my head what size we use but I can find out if you need.

Good luck! I am very happy I did this for my girl. Otherwise, I don’t think she would be with us right now.
Expect to see some changes after the implant starts working. Decrease in food intake and being less active can be some side effects but

I actually work at a vet hospital with an avian specialist that’s board certified so this is how I have so much experience with this!

we use the deslorelin implants most commonly in birds and ferrets. We put these implants in all kind of parrots, chickens, ducks, etc.

Smaller birds like a cockatiel or parakeet, we would usually put the implant subcutaneously over the shoulder blades. Anything bigger, we but in the breast muscle. This includes my 350g hen, pebbles. She gets hers in her breast muscle. We give a small amount of lidocaine just under the skin, then we inject the implant. No anesthesia needed. Sometimes for smaller birds the anesthesia can be helpful so they hold still/easier to restrain since they are so small. 9/10 we do not use anesthesia and they do just fine.

side effects usually include less of an appetite (since they aren’t laying they don’t need the calorie intake! So they just don’t wAnt to eat as much.)

Others can also include just not acting totally themselves, maybe a little more quiet/less vocal, less energetic.

With my hen I mostly just noticed her just not needing/wanting as much food. Her comb shrunk in size A LOT!

i know these implants can come in different sizes. I don’t know off the top of my head what size we use but I can find out if you need.

Good luck! I am very happy I did this for my girl. Otherwise, I don’t think she would be with us right now.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and thorough response! I will have to give Daphne’s veterinarian a call and see if they feel that it would be appropriate for her. I also work at a veterinary hospital (not the place that I take Daphne), but we just handle dogs, cats, and the occasional other random sort of mammal. Nothing with feathers. Our bird knowledge is severely lacking! Anyways, thank you again!
Wow, I somehow missed seeing these responses to my post last year! Sorry about that, everyone! I guess I need to change some settings somewhere as I thought no one replied. Oops!

Anyway, I just wanted to come back and give an update about the situation with my girl, Pepper. Unfortunately, I had to make the decision to humanely euthanize her a couple months ago due to her laying issues. :( She received a total of two implants since she started having laying issues last year, but they did not work as well as I would've hoped. They did decrease her egg production each time, which helped alot, but they did not stop her from laying completely and unfortunately she just kept having trouble laying some of her eggs and becoming eggbound. I just couldn't see her suffer any longer with this mess. :( It was the right decision for her though, so I do take comfort in knowing she will never suffer again. <3

I hope others have better luck with the implants.

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