Anyone had a chicken get stuck on its back??


Free Ranging
Aug 18, 2019
I was just bringing up some chicken treats and noticed my roo wasn't rushing over to greet me as he usually would, I saw he was on his back with legs kicking in the air!
I thought something bad had happened to him and he was hurt so I rushed over and saw that he must have been dust bathing in an awkward hole, but couldn't get up! :lau like a turtle on his shell kicking legs in the air he looked so funny! I just gave him a hand and he was up and fine. His Silkie ladies were looking on probably amused by the situation! They were covered in dirt so must've just had a bath themselves.
Wish I took a pic!!
Well it happened AGAIN!! Same Roo, different spot! And I got a pic!! :lau I got a video too but can't attach it.
He was stuck upside down between branches, no idea how he got there! Maybe trying to play limbo?? :lau:gig
OK now this is getting more of a problem then a laughing matter (although still a bit funny) I just helped him up for the 5th time! I didn't bother with another photo as it is the same spot as the previous time... Looks like he was dust bathing, so could this mean something is wrong with him? - his wings or what? Is it the wings that help them up off their back or do chickens just not ever go on their back? What muscle or body part does a chicken use to get up from back position?

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