Anyone hatching this week?

I have silkies and mutts due to hatch tomorrow but one mutt decided to hatch today. The silkies are from Jenlynn.

Good hatching vibes for everyone.
I have 9 out so far. Yaya. I had two that pipped an yellow stuff came out, they died, anybody know what that is?

Good luck everyone!
7 self blue English bantams on the 18th 2nd Batch(some very silver), 4 Yellow Gold Pheasants on the 21st, 7 silkies out of 15 eggs from a local,if all goes well on the 1st. Fingers crossed. So far with wing feather sexing I've hatched 1 cockerel to every 4 pullets.......PS. 1 of the pheasants seems to be vicious,to birds twice it's size. Pecking eyes.It was 1 that just got it's splint off it's crooked toes. So I wrapped a piece of med tape around it's leg. It seems to give it something else to think about.
Six out of eight so far and 4 more piping. Can';t wait. I have a broody sitting on eggs too in the hen house.

I hope she is ok because it is so hot out.

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