Anyone hatching this week?

Finally - 4 yesterday! June 28. 3 black and tan and one yellow - so worth the wait:
I have Welsummers hatching right now! 4 out of the shell, 2 eggs left to go.

I also have 12 chocoloate ripple muscovies due to hatch in the next few days.

All under broody chickens.
I have 39 Plymouth Barred Rocks due to hatch July 3rd (I put them in on the 12th). I also have some guinea eggs in the incubator that I did not expect to do anything, but a few seem to be progressing anyways. They are due out about a week later.
Just put a dozen plus Blue/Black/Cuckoo marans eggs in the hatcher. Two days from now another three doz eggs are due to stop turning. They are BBS silkies, LF dark brahmas, a few BBC marans, and some EE eggs. SURELY something will hatch from all that. The LF Dark Brahmas have REALLY distorted air cells, but almost all of them developed from shipped eggs, so hey, I figure my odds are pretty good to get SOME usefull number of chicks from 11 possibles. One of the silkie eggs was so pointy at both ends I guessed wrong which way to put it in the turner and just noticed two days ago... it's still developing...

Lots of long shots in there, but lots of love and hope and tender loving care too... wish me luck.
I hatched 2 last friday.. 26th.. a day earlier then expected..
Meet Thelma and Louise

this was my first hatch ever, new to chickens this year and someone gave me an incubator... grin

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