Anyone have a baby duck?? E OH, W PA, WV panhandle


14 Years
Apr 18, 2008
I just had one baby duck hatch this morning.

I am near Canton and New Philadelphia, OH.... Is there anyone in Eastern Ohio, Western PA or the West Virginia Panhandle with one baby that they will sell so my poor duck will have a friend??
aww. I am sorry you only had one hatch. My ducks are 4 mos old, and I am thinking you want a new hatchling, right?

p.s. I am only 45 min from New Phila.
I would like to find a young duckling or maybe even a chick that could be a companion for this poor little guy. I have 2 sizzles that are 4 weeks old that I may try to put with him if I can't find anything else.

I am not sure if it would be ok to try to put an older duck with a new hatchling... does anyone have any advice as far as that goes?

Thank You!
I am in MD, just below Gettysburg PA. I have eggs in the incubator (blue/black Swedish) due in 2-3 weeks. candled them yesterday looks like 3-4 are developing.

In the mean time, Id put your duckie in with the chickens.

Its a long drive for you for just a couple duckies, but look at my web site, maybe there is something else that you will like that would make the trip worthwhile.
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I am sorry that the eggs you bought from me did not work out. I wish I had a baby I could send you.
I did send you out another 15 eggs today. Good luck on your hatch. Hope this batch works out. Let me know when you recieve them an how the arrived.
Let me know when you get the second batch of eggs and good luck on this second batch. I do not want that baby duck getting lonesome. I sent you out 15 this time.
The eggs have arrived. Thank You riderken.

I am still interested in a duckling or chicks to keep Junior company, if anyone has any.... I'd like him to have a buddy, if possible, sooner than 4 weeks.
I keep my baby ducks in with chicks the same size. So they can learn how to eat and drink. So far it has worked.


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