++++Anyone have a chicken with a really poopy butt???

thats funny !

I agree with the trimming. My BO girls have this problem, I'm assuming due to their fluffy behinds. Once I trim they are good for a while. Get out some sharp scissors and trim her up. It will really help. It seems once it starts it's really hard to stop on it's own.
I have a Barred Rock who has the same problem. I had to cut all the poop off (with some feathers) this winter because it was so cold and the amount of poop stuck to her was dragging down her feathers. She now has a pretty featherless rump because I think she pulls them out herself... but the feathers that remain are still poop covered.
We have a Red Star hen with a poopy but just like that.
Haven't tried cleaning it yet, but any suggestions on how to get it off?
One of my banties has a messy bottom--has had ever since I got her as a youngster (not a chick...just getting old enough to lay). It's not messy messy; just looks like she has on little briefs.

I keep an eye on it--I have this fear of fly-strike. Never heard of it in chickens, but...well, you know how flies are...
phew!!!! i'm not the only one with EE's with ugly, poopy butts. i also found a huge nugget on my BR and cut it off. Gross!!! I'm inspecting the rest of the crew in a few.

i think(?)the ones with the ugly butts sleep on the floor of the coop and that exacerbates the poopy butt problem. before you all jump on me...I have two dog houses with roosts for the ladies to sleep in but all 9 of them sleep in one large, but too small for all of them, dog house.

any suggestions? i've tried pulling them out at night and putting them in the new house. i guess they just love to all be crammed together.

and speaking of bantams and being together (and going off topic)...the full sized birds will not mingle with the banties. it's been months and they still pick on the little ones. anyone know why?
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My black sex-link has the same problem. I sometimes squirt her with warm water but it just comes back. Never thought about giving her a trim, maybe I'll just do that. I already cut her nails so how hard could that be??

thats just funny

My BO`s seem to keep they butt quite fresh for now..I hope I dont have to wash their behind.. cause all they would get is a cold water hose up their bum.

A Chicken with the " not so fresh feeling" ..who wudda thunk it ..


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