Mom 2em All

14 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Dora, Alabama
i have a 3?week old keet that got his toe stuck in the feather dester I was using for their snugle-nest ( the sametype feather duster I have used for all my little chicks prior). Well I dont know how long it was stuck before I came along. Could have been minutes, could have been all day.
I cant tell if it dislocated its leg, or slipped tendons in its knee but now it holds the leg stiff and up slightly and hobbles terribly. I feel awful just awful about it.
I am just wondering if anyone else has had a crippled guinea and how they end up doing.
Ill get a video tomorrow of him, they are all terrified of me and freak out when I change the food and water- tomorrow I have to clean their brooder out, and dont have to work so I will have time to get video.
Ill get a video tomorrow of him, they are all terrified of me and freak out when I change the food and water- tomorrow I have to clean their brooder out, and dont have to work so I will have time to get video.
Try not to approach them from above. They have an instinctive fear of anything that approaches from above. Sit with and quietly talk to them. If you have the patience, put some food in your hand and allow your hand and arm to rest on the bedding. Give them enough time and let them approach you. Do not reach for or try to grab them.

It takes time. Be patient.
I have a hen that has a limp.
I found her one morning after she managed to not get cooped up. I think my boxer got her and scraped her up a bit. I almost had my husband put her down. She spent a couple days recovering in a box. She kept eating and drinking from her laying down position. Once she started to stand up again we put her back in the coop. To my surprise she’s still going strong. Just hobbles a little funny when she tries to run. She can still roost with the others just fine too.
I wonder where I posted my reply. Anyhow- I have not been able to get any pictures that are capable of showing what is wrong. But the baby is still managing. Keeps up somewhat with its siblings. Roosts- but not as often as they do. Im hoping as it gets bigger, it will fly up on the top roosts better. If they would realize I am not a monster and run away so far in to a pile, I would be able to get pics.
Its foot turns outward, like it broke its ankle.

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