Anyone have a Duck coop with "green" roof?

I am interested in this as well!
I'm wondering the same thing. I'm thinking you must be meaning something environmental. I do have a chicken coop and duck run with green roofing. It's plastic corrogated roofing. I bought it at home depot.

I have seen something, somewhere online about having a roof with plants etc. growing on it. I know that was very helpful.
I'm wondering the same thing. I'm thinking you must be meaning something environmental. I do have a chicken coop and duck run with green roofing. It's plastic corrogated roofing. I bought it at home depot.
e seen something, somewhere online about having a roof with plants etc. growing on it. I know that was very helpful.

I remember last week someone talking about putting a green roof[plants etc.] on their duck house but my memory isn't so good don't remember who is was.
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I've always wanted a green roof on my house. Actually what I want is a hobbit house.

I've seen pics of green roofs on duck houses and coops and such, but I don't remember where, sorry! Good luck. I hope someone posts pictures--I love them so much!
Looks like you may be our pioneer!

At this point, my plans for the roof - which is corrugated clear plastic (polycarbonate?) to let light in, is to use it to capture rainwater into a barrel.

I do, however, grow plants in railing planters along the top of the day pen.

I'm growing lettuce and nasturtiums. Both are mostly for the ducks (yes, I take a percentage

The idea with the nasturtium is for it to cascade down within their reach so they can nibble on it.
Well i'll write you all plans tonight
It's an Alaskan specialty! You can still see these homes around town.
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