Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

Cali Chick dont give up until you are sure you are done, ! Candled them or do a float test. Some are slower than the others. Congrates an your chickies!!
I gave the other eggs another day (Day 22) and then candled AND did the float test! I actually saw movement in one of the eggs while candling and then again in the water. We put that one back in the incubator but it never pipped or hatched. This morning was Day 24 and there was no movement when I candled it today.
At least I gave it a chance.
But, I'm totally happy about the 5 little miracles that did hatch! I always call shipped eggs "miracle chicks" for all they must go through in the mail! 3 white silkies and 2 blue/black silkies! Plus, 3 B/B/S silkie eggs just went into lockdown today. They should hatch by Monday
October 8th.

Here's another picture of my 5 "very healthy" babies..........They love to eat and almost climb inside their feeder.
I love candling!! My lone RIR egg in the bator (day 8) was dancing around. I told her to enjoy it while she could cause the two eggs out under my broody ( day 16) are almost totally full and they barely have room to squirm LOL
I love candling!! My lone RIR egg in the bator (day 8) was dancing around. I told her to enjoy it while she could cause the two eggs out under my broody ( day 16) are almost totally full and they barely have room to squirm LOL
How fun!
It is awesome to see them develop. Good luck on your Rhodie!
went to bed last night not hearing anything or seeing anything and came home from work to some pips, cheeping and rocking! First hatch and I'm excited ;=)
That IS exciting and CONGRATULATIONS. Please post pictures of your babies when they hatch.
I want to take a picture of my babies, but they are hiding under mommys wings!! I will keep trying, she is suppose to hatch few more. The dominique is suppose to hatch sometime next week.
Went to go check on Ember this morning, and what to my wondering eyes should be there.......Two more broody's!!
My previous broody Minnie
and my other buff Silkie pullet were sitting on two egg that they had laid this morning. They were clucking and shrieking at me when I looked at them.
Guess I'm gonna have to distribute the chicks when they hatch.
I couldn't take going in blind anymore. lol So I was evil and opened the bator to check out the eggs. (Luckily it doesn't seem to have affected the humidity much, and it was over 80% in there anyway, so now it's back to 75%). I had 7 eggs, all from the same hen so laid about a week and a half apart from first to last and numbered in order. 1-4 were all full (just darkness and air pocket), 5 was half-developed (so obviously not going to get a hatch there), and 6&7 were both dark and air pocket. So it looks like I might get 6 out of 7 if I'm lucky! Now I swear I will leave them alone...I just really wanted to know because I have more eggs coming and didn't want to be waiting on nothing. :D So excited!
woot first baby out of the shell! Was lurching around all over in the 'bator, knocking the other eggs around so I took it out to my brooder set up after it was partly dry. will get pics in a bit. more peeping & cheeping going on in there too!

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