Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

have you candled the eggs? float test?
I candled before lock down. and I don't do a float test. I may candle tonight to see what is going on in them. But I have to wait til my husband goes to bed so I can turn it completely dark in here so i'll be able to see what is going on. I'd love to toss out any bad eggs ASAP so no explosions.
Well this has been a stressful hatching... First I crack a day 18 egg. Then the broody it was originally under decides to get off her other egg on Day 20 (it pipped).... So that egg is in the bator as well and both are peeping at me, trying to figure out why I don't sound like their real mom LOL Meanwhile, their mom is Bagawk-ing around my room, not acting broody in the least. If she abandons her babies, I will be very upset (so will my mom, she doesn't want babies in the house)
I thought I'd join in the fun, I have a few dozen eggs in my freezer bator I just built and this is the first hatch in this one. I have variety of rare breeds and everything is going good so far. I'm on day 15 with the Seramas and Lav Orps with the others a few days apart. I have a little of everything, here's the list:
French Black Copper Marans
Part English Blue, Black & Splash Orpingtons
Blue Isbars
Malaysian Seramas
Lavender Orpingtons
Swedish Flower Hens

Today still no babies. last night I candled my eggs. I didn't see any movement :( None of them smell though. So i'm giving them a few more days then tossing them.

I also have some other eggs that are a week in and several of them are doing good so even if the ones that are over due don't hatch I should have more babies in 2 weeks.
Ok its day 23..... Today at 8 am we heard a chirp then saw a pip. Our first and now only French wheaten Maran zipped and entered our world by 11 am. Two others pipped at this time........but nothing else has happened. First born is wandering around a bit lost but is now fluffy - it is now almost 19.30. What do we do now - leave First chick there till the morning and see if any more development? Humidity is now dropping its now at 60% but I don't want to open the lid and add more water in case it effects the 2 pipped ones. What do you all think?
Ok its day 23..... Today at 8 am we heard a chirp then saw a pip. Our first and now only French wheaten Maran zipped and entered our world by 11 am. Two others pipped at this time........but nothing else has happened. First born is wandering around a bit lost but is now fluffy - it is now almost 19.30. What do we do now - leave First chick there till the morning and see if any more development? Humidity is now dropping its now at 60% but I don't want to open the lid and add more water in case it effects the 2 pipped ones. What do you all think?

it is really up to you. Some will say leave that chick in there and never to open the incubator til the hatch is finished. Me personally I have a brooder ready and move the chick once it's most of the way fluffy and add more warm/hot water in the incubator. I've never had any issues doing that. Although 60% humidity is all I keep it at for the hatch.

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