Anyone have a hobby that doesn't involve yarn and sewing?

Like most, I am an avid reader. Just went back and read Stephen King's Salem's thing he ever wrote, in my opinion.
Aside from my animals, I do pottery in a studio class once a week (3 years now), dabble in stained glass and basket-weaving, collect Christmas ornaments and Halloween decorations, am very into Tiki Culture, and hope to take up hiking this fall when the weather cools a bit. I turned 40 last year, so I decided hiking would be my midlife crisis! lol
I love to play drums ( heavy metal rocks
You know, Shelley, if I wanted to REALLY torture you, I could get you into Genealogy

I adore genealogy - it is also very frustrating sometimes (well, many times
) but when you DO find something and have good documentation - it's like being high.

I once stayed awake for 46 hours trying to find my GGG Gradfather's Civil War records. When I finally found it (even have a pic of him in his uniform when he signed up at age 24) I was so excited I couldn't sleep even then

of course if you're into masochism, it's fun when ya can't find the right info, too

but, like being a junkie... ya gotta just keep looking, you KNOW the next link you click will have a tiny tip that will lead you to the motherload

yeah, so.... what was your mom's maiden name...?
Mojo Chick'n :

You know, Shelley, if I wanted to REALLY torture you, I could get you into Genealogy

I adore genealogy - it is also very frustrating sometimes (well, many times
) but when you DO find something and have good documentation - it's like being high.

I once stayed awake for 46 hours trying to find my GGG Gradfather's Civil War records. When I finally found it (even have a pic of him in his uniform when he signed up at age 24) I was so excited I couldn't sleep even then

of course if you're into masochism, it's fun when ya can't find the right info, too

but, like being a junkie... ya gotta just keep looking, you KNOW the next link you click will have a tiny tip that will lead you to the motherload

yeah, so.... what was your mom's maiden name...?

Oh gosh no! I suck at research! That would probably drive me nuts! I'll just talk you into doing it for me

ETA: Odle, Van Dusen, got some O'brien's in there somewhere
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Wow, some really cool hobbies. Sojeo I loooove the eggs! I've got two ostrich eggs I've been holding onto until I get brave enough to carve them. Also got some emu eggs from someone here on BYC to use in my gourds.

I've got too many hobbies to list, but mainly I garden, draw, paint and work on gourds. Mojo I'd love to see some of yours. I woodburn and inlay on most of mine. I've been making canteens out of them, and some vases.

I'd love to learn stained glass but really, I have too many hobbies now. LOL No time for more.

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