Anyone have a temp spike of 110??


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
Yesterday was Day 4 and my temp in the bator fluctuated all day long. First it was low, like 93-95 low and then (I kept checking it maybe every 30-45 mins) it started going up and the one time it hit 110! So...i don't think it was that way too long; I'm not sure how long would've been too long? I'd hate to waste the next 2-1/2 weeks on ruined eggs but I hate to throw them all out, too. Anyone?
wait until day 10 and candle eggs to see if any damage was caused.
110 is smoking hot but as long as it wasnt too long you should be OK.
eggs take a little while to heat up so you might be ok if it was'nt too long.
you "should" be ok since it was so early on in hatch. I hit 107 for hours the first week and still had a descent hatch-dont give up at all! :) good luck
I hit 112 on day 12 of a hatch and had one survivor. She's sweet
our last hatch... the bator soured to 120.. we just knew all the eggs were dead.. i guess it hadnt been there too long, because now we have babies hatching???? we lost about half, but it is worth it to let them run full cycle to save the other half in the bator.. best of luck, and please let us know how you come out in the end...dana... countrychics hatchery, virginia
Thanks for the encouragement! I'd have to do some research about the water wiggler thing. I'll probably try candling them next weekend. I'll keep you posted!
Hi a friend of mine fired her incubator up after a long spell and didn't read her instructions and run it at 110f for the first week before she realized that it should have only been 101f, undecided what to do she decided to let go full time and she had a surprise of a very good hatch rate, so don't panic just wait and see.
You guys are scaring me to death!
I'm on day 16 and I think everything is going peachy keen.
And why does it happen towards the end of a hatch?

What incubator is everyone using that is giving these wild temp spikes?
Curious minds want to know.....


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