Anyone have an Ideal order for 1/7?


11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
North Georgia
I have 18 chicks shipping out tomorrow from Ideal. 5 White Silkies, 5 Easter Eggers, and 8 236 Leghorns. Just wondering who else is has chicks coming!

The breeds I was hoping to get in addition to my Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and Australorps are not available until the 10th to order. So I am trying to be as patient as possible
I know it is a virtue I am working on it.

I am in NH so a few people have told me that I should wait until April to order, but I really would like to get the chicks now. Any opinions?

The other breeds are Wyandottes, Sussex and SC LB Leghorns.
I just ordered 10 chicks from Ideal!!!! I *think* they will be shipped on the 21st...I made sure the Available date was the same on everything I ordered. I live near Houston.

This is my very first order and I am soooooo excited. I've never had chickens before so I've been reading this forum and learned so much in the past few weeks
Okay you guys, I think my order makes me certifiable.....

Shipping to us today from Ideal:

14 RIR Pullets
6 RIR Roo's
12 Easter Egger Pullets
6 EE Roo's
12 Black Australorp Pullets
6 BA Roo's
12 Cornish X broilers

We are keeping a few of the roo's but our local Chinese restaurant buys the rest, as well as the broilers and some of our meat ducks.

ETA: I always refer to Easter Eggers as Ameraucana's-because I don't know what the difference is! Aren't they both some sort of cross with the south american araucana? Excuse my ignorance!
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GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!! yall chicks are being shipped today while mine and TXmom are going to be shipped the 21st
I hope time goes fast!

heres what i got on my order

5 Buff orpington PULLETS

6 Easter eggers PULLETS

5 Black australorp PULLETS

5 Ideal 236 PULLETS

3 Delaware PULLETS

3 Red sex-link PULLETS

3 Brown leghorn COCKERELS

3 Black sex-link COCKERELS
ive got peeps shipping on the 14th
2 barred rocks
2 ideal 236's
2 white leghorns
2 california whites
2 gold sexlinks
1 americana
1 production red
all pullets

im so excited and i jsut cant hide it im about to loose control and i think i like it
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Wow, some of you are getting so many! Here's what I ordered:

2 Buff Orp
2 Ideal 236
2 Danish Brown Leghorn
2 Ameraucana

I got the e-mail confirmation that they would ship on the 21st. I am so excited, I can't wait!!!

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