Anyone have an outdoor Tortoise or Turtle pen?

We have a greek tortoise named Kramer. He lives outside during the summer in an 8' x 15' pen right against our deck. I planted all edible plants for him.


Find Kramer
I don't have any current pics but I have had one of my four turtles for over 10 years. The enclosure is 16 feet around. We dug it down a bit and then put three levels of those heavy landscaping bricks around the circumference. we then put four inch edging down in the ground around the outside edge. Then out of the same bricks my husband made five planters. Four of the planters are the turtles feet and one for the head. So the enclosure is in the shape of a turtle.

They can't get out because of the way the bricks stack with a little bit of brick hanging over on each level. There are three large mounds of dirt two concealing wooden shelters and one with a tunnel running through it. Each summer we plant them a couple of their own tomato plants. They love tomatoes. I have hatched out many, many babies. At one time I had three females they all layed their eggs on the same day it was awesome. It takes them approx. Two hours start to finish. They dig, dig, dig, lay, then cover, cover, cover. It is very easy to incubate them yourself as well. We have a small cement water source, that we keep a rock or two in, incase a small turtle gets in and we keep a shallow water dish available as well.
We have a greek tortoise named Kramer. He lives outside during the summer in an 8' x 15' pen right against our deck. I planted all edible plants for him.


Find Kramer’s
Love your pix! I found Kraemer!! Lol! Love your pen!
I’m adopting 2 desert tortoises today. Trying to figure out temp shelter for them. I do have an Eglu Omlet that I can keep them in temporarily. I have 2 girls that live that coop & another coop that my other 3 girls sleep in....
Well, change is good, huh???

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