Anyone have experiance with the Pullet shut Auto door?

That looks really cool! I am new to chickens, and have been wondering what we were going to do in the summer when we want to go away camping or to the lake for a few days. It's good to know there are products around!
We chose against this one.

Besides the cost, we didn't need all the "extras" just the motor. We already had a door and a frame. We bought the Addamotor one from Discoutn Automation. See it here: Discount Automation Coop Motor It was super easy to install.. just ask DH! LOL

Now they have a solar kit which I am planning buying soon. It links from the Motor Page.

We've never had ANY trouble with this motor. I've read a mix of good and bad on the one ur looking at.

Anyhow, my two cents for what it's worth.

I have that one. I love it! Very well built.

But - I was the one with trouble in the cold. The door froze up on me. Once I warmed it up with a small heater & lubed the hinges with some WD-40 though its been trouble free & its still darn cold outside (in the single digits).

The door is very secure. It will not open by hand. I've tried. It is a little spendy - but I was never able to get to the coop to open & close it when I wanted it to be open or closed. With this door its a set & forget. I can keep my rooster locked up until the neighbors are out of bed & ensure they get locked up at dark even if I'm still at work!

I have mine running on a 12v marine battery - it said it would last 6 months but mine only lasted about 30 days - the owner/builder is a really good guy & he said the newest model has an improved circuit board that uses less juice. I have electricity in the coop so I just put a trickle charger on the batt. It really only uses the battery now when the power goes out.

I recommend - even in cold weather if you lube the hinges.
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I went with the Foys opener and door, though at $240 (including door) , its a bit pricier option. I hadn't seen these other options in this link when I bought. That being said, it has worked very well for the last 9 months on a couple of AAA batteries. I might have tried the $79 option if I had seen it.
We offer an automatic door on our coops. While it's not a super popular option (again, $$$!), those who've gotten it only have good things to say about it! It's a solar sensor working with batteries, which is especially nice for people who are more north where the daylight hours really vary throughout the year. But at the same time, with any automatic door up north you might still have to check it for snow to make sure it can close all the way.

Ours is also a slide-up-and-down type, which I'd agree would be more secure than the hinge, although I'm sure they are quite sturdy as well. The slide type takes up less space too, since it doesn't have to have room to swing.

The only thing I don't care for about the one we carry is that it's just plain metal; no fancy white finish or anything to it.

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