Anyone have new chicks coming?

Yoie - very nice pics of your babies. Sad that one's missing, but good that the ones you got all seem OK. It's interesting - your red silkies look different from mine - more like mini....well, red silkies! Mine is light brownish, not so red, and has darker brown blotches on its head. We looked up other red silkie pictures to see if there was a mistake but they seemed to match it. I wonder if they just vary?

Mine are 4 days old now, but while 6 are doing great one of my white silkies took a turn for the worse this morning :( She's sitting in a corner, not eating or drinking or playing. I'm very worried about her but don't think there's much I can do - I'm crossing my fingers but wondering if we might just lose her. I put up a thread in the Baby Chicks forum in case there's something I'm not thinking of.

We just went to dinner last night talking about how lucky we were to get what we ordered and have them all arrive alive and well. They'd been so active and cute. And now this. I knew we might lose some, but darned if I know what happened with this little girl. The white silkies were my husband's favorite, too - we listed substitutions for the red and black but he wanted to hold the whole order if the white silkies weren't available. We have one other, but we'd already been enjoying their antics as twins. They'd been very naughty and did everything together, and we were trying to think of evil twin names for them. Maybe the mere possibility of names jinxed us.
I've always had chickens and for the 1st time this a flock 25 hens 2 roosters from a Hatchery...mailed live, all healthy and happy :) 6 wks later....I did google quite a bit...
what cute babies !!!!!! enjoy them my gosh they do grow overnite!! Mine are so funny, all I do is stick my arm in the cage and I've got a mass of little chickies jumping on my arm:)))
Just wanted everyone to know my chicks are recovering very well. :weee. They are running around, eating, singing and sleeping! They seem to have come out of the horrible ordeal. Doubt if I would ever get chicks shipped again. I will go pick up animals. They just don't teat live animals very well and cannot financially support such cruelty. IMHO!
I do!!!!!!!! Picking up a little flock of silkies from show parents, and....I met a new friend and mentor! Tish at Simply Splendid Silkies. VERY EXCITED!
One week in and the Barred Rock is roosting on a paint stirrer stick we poked into two small box halves! Only about 4 inches up, but she likes it. Ended up sleeping with her head hanging straight down, though - she couldn't manage to tuck it in I guess. We put three little wooden dowels together a little lower down too and 2 of the silkies and the BO were "roosting" their little heads on it. So cute. Sadly I didn't have my camera in there at the time. Both the BR and the BO were roosting on my arm after their mash this morning too. I'm such a proud momma.

Our 4 silkies are still hanging in there, though the black has barely grown despite eating and pooping. I wonder if our red is actually a partridge, but either way as long as she grows up healthy (and a she) I'm happy. They are zooming around and experimenting with their wings. I wonder how long before the silkies realize they can't fly. Perhaps they'll be jealous of the other three that can? Poor little fuzzles.

I'm still waiting for them to get big enough that I dare to vaccinate. They have NOTHING on their little necks. I'm too afraid to go after them with a needle. Wish I could give them little chicken steroids.
Picked up new chicks today! Sikies- 5 blue (I picked some light blue because I like them, got a darker one for when I try to show); 2 whites, 1 splash (all bearded) AND a bonus chick- a white Showgirl (she/he's on the far right)

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