Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

So, as I'm counting down the days till the chicks arrive, my husband comes home with a Huskey puppy.....HELLO...I have 15 babies coming in two weeks, and you bring ANOTHER baby for me to take care of???? Good thing I am gaga about all things people, baby bunnies, baby chickens and baby puppies too.;)
So, as I'm counting down the days till the chicks arrive, my husband comes home with a Huskey puppy.....HELLO...I have 15 babies coming in two weeks, and you bring ANOTHER baby for me to take care of???? Good thing I am gaga about all things people, baby bunnies, baby chickens and baby puppies too.
I have 4 kiddos (6,6,6, and 4) a 4 months old Dutch Shepherd and now 7 chicks...cray cray LOL
Well, we got ours today- All DOA :( 5 barred babies.
I feel so guilty sending them to their death by ordering them from freakin Antarctica- I mean Wisconsin. WE will try again on the 23rd from cackle and have ordered 10 this time. I hope we have better luck. Poor babies.

So sad.
I have an order from Cackle shipping out on the 23rd has well. 15 Mille Fleur D'uccles, 10 Porcelain D'uccle, and 5 Salmon Faverolles Pullets. I hope yours arrive safely this time!
We placed an order with Cackle Hatchery and are expecting them the end of this week. Starting to get very nervous about the trip, it is supposed to be very cold. I hope they all survive, we ordered the 5 pullet small town special. Will update when they arrive.
I got an email from McMurray's and my new gang should be here tomorrow. I have

10 Buff Orp pullets
5 Americuana (sp) pullets
20 Black Langsham straight run
10 Red Ranger broiler males
5 Red Ranger broiler pullets
1 Silver Laced Wyan male
5 Silver Laced Wyan pullets

Hoping the Langshams are at least 50% pullets
Of course there is also my free mystery bird.
To those who have a lot of chicks coming, can I ask where/what size brooders do you use to brood such large amounts of chicks? I have 7 chicks and I am already wondering what I am going to do with them when they out grow the brooders I have, before they can go outside.

What is the min. brooder size for 7 chicks?
I have 17 chicks I used card board boxes first so i could control the size keeping it smaller so they dont lose their way back to heat sorce and feed. I just expanded the area when they grew by adding another box and duck taping the new box to the existing boxes. Now they are in a large bo made of coroplast again its easy to modify to expand it
We have several brooders. Right now because it is cold the 56 new babies I got today are in the heated garage in a 6 foot stock tank. In about a week I will split them into 2 tanks. When I think they have enough feathers and the weather is ok they will go into the barn in my 4 x 8 brooder. I also have another small brooder which I use if there are only a few chicks.

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