Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

Hi, I'm jenn in wv and I have been ordering from Meyer hatchery because it's so much closer. I get all my chicks alive and well. 1 died a day after arrival once, but usually all is well. I think it's in Ohio. Closer to you too.

Hi, Jenn, we are in San Diego and think cackle is in Missouri. It's been in the high 70s here up to 80 this week. But they aren't going to ship until Feb 23. I wish they could ship sooner.
 Yes, impatient is the word!   I have six new chicks coming from Greenfire.  Two Isbars, two Cream legbars and two Swedish Flowers.
They have been excellent so far to deal with and respond promptly.   I have never ordered from them before.  Since I don't have a lot
of room for all of the chickens I WISH I could have, I need to be very selective.

They sound like beautiful hens! I haven't heard of those breeds. Going to look them up now, can't wait to see what they look like. Love their breed names, pretty sounding. When are you expecting your babies?
Cressrd, Oh wow, they are so pretty and so special!! A little expensive but well worth it right? You can indulge when you're selective!!;) Post pics please:)
Hope they arrive safe, and can't wait to see the pictures. I have new babies today from the incubator. 4 silkies and Easter egg layers

Heat lamp makes them look red
Yep, I'm in trouble now. They are all beautiful birds. I'll have to find a way to purchase a few of the little dwarf variety. What a great mission Greenfire farms is undertaking. Impressive.

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