Anyone in FL interested in Cuckoo Marans chicks?


11 Years
Sep 10, 2008
Lakeland, FL
I am thinking about ordering 25 or 50 Cuckoo Marans chicks, but don't need them all and was wondering if anyone is interested in some of them. I live in Central Florida (Gainesville) and could drive a little ways to get them to you or re-ship them after they rest for a few days. Let me know if you would be interested. Thanks!
I put the order in for 25 chicks and only about 20 are spoken for, so there's still a few up for grabs!
I will love to, but am to far north and west (Pensacola area) Besides, I just got 18 chicks yesterday, have another 25 comming in a week, and more hatching. Wow, I have a lot of chicks, I better stop hatching lol
My aunt live in WInterpark and is coming up the first week in November-- wonder if she would "deliver " some for me...hmmmm
FLUSA - I've ordered them and they should arrive next Friday.

priszilla - Let me know!

I have 7 that aren't reserved yet. $5 each.

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