Anyone in WV???

When I am home, I open the coop and run door and let them free range all day. When I work, they only get the run until I come home then they get out to play. I only work 7 days in a two week period so lots of free range time for them.
Hello my fellow WV Hillbillies!!!

I'm new to this site! I've been lurking for about a year and have finally finished my coop. Its a 4x8 and now its time to fill it with some Hot Chicky Mommas. My neighbor gave us 3 cochin pullets (6 weeks old). I'm so glad that I finally have some chix and can't wait to find some Rhode Island Reds, Welsummers, Araucanas, and Dominques to fill her up.

I live in Hampshire County in the Augusta/Slanesville area.
I don't live in West-by-God-Virginia anymore (not since 1977), but Hampshire County will always be home to me! I was in Slanesville, not far from the General Store & Post Office.
I come back to visit when I can, but it isn't nearly as much as I'd like.
Hope ya'll don't mind if I pop in every now & then...I hope to maybe run into someone I used to know in the area.
Yeah, I have a bunch of them molting. They look awful.

I should be getting tons of eggs and I am not. Very frustrating.

Let's all pray for rain. I doubt if it is a factor in the rate of eggs, but who knows. And we are almost out of water.

SuperRun is about 90-95% done. Girls will use it for the first time tomorrow. My wife started a Youtube page with a video of my girls. - In the search box type" Lamoureuxlanding" no space between words. The video is labeled "Chicks in Pursuit". You will probably get a laugh and also a sight of my coop and spread. Have a nice day and try to stay cool tomorrow.- Ken
Howdy Ya'll!

Although I am currently living near the beach in NC, I am originally from the Parkersburg, Wood Co. area. Just thought I'd stop in and see how things are going back on the hill. We just started raising chickens Aug 2 when we started with 20 newly-hatched chicks (lost one) and just got our Buff Orpingtons 2 days ago. I am hooked on chooks!!
I just wish we could have a farm so that I could get at least 150 more... lol. Coincidentally, all but one of the BO's are molting. We have still been getting eggs from them though; however, we are getting less than the previous owner (I am wondering if it has something to do with the move and the new surroundings?). I may chime in again from time to time, but until then, I'll likely just creep around behind the scenes reading the posts!
Hi. Feel free to pop in any time. Mine are molting also and today I gathered 0 eggs! Between changing and reorganizing for the upcoming fall show season and preparing for winter...I think they went on strike.

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