Anyone in WV???

A few of us are getting ready to organize a Chicken Stock in Putnam county WV. I know most of you are in the eastern Panhandle, but I thought Id see if anyone from more southern areas would be interested in this.

I'm in Ripley. Will there be a emailing list for this??​
I'm in Ripley. Will there be a emailing list for this??

you betcha. you're the first one to respond with any interest on BYC. I'm guessing we'll have to advertise locally to get anyone there. Have you been to any of the weekend trades at the Around the Farm Store?
I'm in Ripley. Will there be a emailing list for this??

you betcha. you're the first one to respond with any interest on BYC. I'm guessing we'll have to advertise locally to get anyone there. Have you been to any of the weekend trades at the Around the Farm Store?

We have a tenative date set for April 30th at the TSC on Teays Valley Road in Hurricane, Wv

Also, for any that are interested, we are having a meeting with our local NPIP rep on March 16 at 7 pm. We are meeting Just off the Tupper's Creek exit of I79 at the Baptist church across from the Subway. Anyone interested in getting more informaiton on NPIP please join us.
Anybody interested in some WHITE SULTAN roosters??? I have a friend who bought a straight run from somebody,..and they ALL turned out to be ROOSTERS! What luck!!! She has 7 or 8, if anyone is interested PM me,..we are in southern West Virginia near LEWISBURG,...the State Fair grounds. Thanks!!!!
I'm looking for Golden Lace Wyandotte chicks. I only want 3 and my local feed store its getting first shipment of chicks the first week of March and they don't have any in their initial order. I was wanting some Araucana chicks to raise with them and they are getting some of these. Prefer to not to have to go far, would like to stay in North Central WV. Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks- Ken

Also would be interested in Blue Lace Wyandottes instead if available.
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Did you get any hits on this? I know in the back of my foggy brain that know someone.....

I didn't get a hit on Angoras but....found some super nice Nigerian Dwarfs!!!! Wish me luck, gotta build fencing!!

Let me know if yerrrrr foggy brain remembers!!
Did you get any hits on this? I know in the back of my foggy brain that know someone.....

I didn't get a hit on Angoras but....found some super nice Nigerian Dwarfs!!!! Wish me luck, gotta build fencing!!

Let me know if yerrrrr foggy brain remembers!!

Oh how we want a goat! So jealous! Maybe next year...
I am right near Fairview, which is sort of between Morgantown and Fairmont.

I have too many chickens. I am just not able to take care of them all, and I guess I will have to put an ad in the Bulletin Board. But first I wanted to let you all know.

I have Silver Laced Wyandottes, some Wellsummers, a few Buff Orpingtons, lots of Golden Comets, some black sex links, some beautiful Heritage Rhode Island Reds. I also have some really lovely roos of these breeds, and some really nice Ameracauna roos.

They are all laying like crazy, and they have been tested. I would let them go very inexpensively, because I just cannot handle this large a flock any more. I have some health problems.

I want to just keep enough to have fresh eggs for us and our family and some to give away.


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