Anyone Interested in a 2017/18 Emu Hatch Along?

No news :(. Today is day 52 for the first egg and day 49 for the second egg. How is your newbie doing?
My number 2 has been woringwo me as he or she doesn't move as much as 4 L5 B5 but fingers crossed . When you pull your eggs out and let them sit do both side cool off or only one?
I have 2 eggs on day 47 and both are wiggling like crazy but they haven't sounded yet.. incubated at 97.5°f and 28% humidity. Both are already above 12% weight loss and will be at 15% loss in a couple more days. Anyone here have eggs so close to hatch time that didn't sound even though they are very active?
I have 2 eggs on day 47 and both are wiggling like crazy but they haven't sounded yet.. incubated at 97.5°f and 28% humidity. Both are already above 12% weight loss and will be at 15% loss in a couple more days. Anyone here have eggs so close to hatch time that didn't sound even though they are very active?
juliefpcjuli has been in your shoes but not having so much wiggling either. Mine sounded on day 49 so give it time he or she hatched completely on day 50.
juliefpcjuli has been in your shoes but not having so much wiggling either. Mine sounded on day 49 so give it time he or she hatched completely on day 50.
Everything with these eggs is practically a mystery, you can't tell anything other than they are still alive at this point lol. I'm just glad that both are doing far as I can tell. You hear all the horror stories and failed hatches so you start to wonder if they will die just before hatch or shortly after. It's amazing how fragile they are to start, and how hard they are to kill as adults. Almost opposite sides of the spectrum. I saw a 28yr old male emu on an emu farm close by, he hatched dozens of times with almost 90% hatching rate.
hi beck2325, welcome! I am discouraged right now as my weight loss was fine, but I have no wiggling and peeping, but I will wait for Shelby to come on, she is much more experienced than me in this emu incubation thing. but it sounds like you are about to become a proud emu mommy! good luck!!
hi beck2325, welcome! I am discouraged right now as my weight loss was fine, but I have no wiggling and peeping, but I will wait for Shelby to come on, she is much more experienced than me in this emu incubation thing. but it sounds like you are about to become a proud emu mommy! good luck!!
You sure they aren't moving at all? I find mine each have their own sleeping times lol.
juliefpc did you try putting them in water and seeing the wiggling that way around days 30-40? It makes movements much more pronounced. Idk if it is ok to do later in incubation but I know it is done a lot in that timeframe.

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