Anyone Keep Multiple Roosters Successfully?

I think we have 7 or so roosters. They all do their own thing mostly a few guard the roosting house and egg house, the rest pretty much are broken up in groups following their harems around. We have white rock, leghorn and RIR roosters. The leghorns are BY FAR the most protective. When I walk out to the egg house 3 or 4 roll up on me like a street gang ready to fight. I have my malinois trained to keep them off me. He does the same with the sheep. When they are in the same pasture as the alfalfa shed the sheep will try to mob me when I open the doors. I bring the mal at feeding time and he keeps them all off of me.
my friends house that he just bought came with chickens. 5 hens n 2 roosters. Probably not a good idea. It’s been about almost 2 months of my observation. The older bigger rooster gets along with the small one. The small rooster is tiny. Like smaller than all the hens and very skittish scaredy cat sissy boy 🤣🤣😭 He is crowing though. Looks like a Batam chicken.They both crowing. They both guard the coop together sitting close to the door. The bigger rooster takes the spot by the window. One time the smaller one got on that side and the bigger rooster gave him a small few pecks to tell him to move. Lol. Of course I worry about the hens. I have no idea if the age of the chickens or anything since I first visited the property. Hopefully we will be hatching more hens soon.
my friends house that he just bought came with chickens. 5 hens n 2 roosters. Probably not a good idea. It’s been about almost 2 months of my observation. The older bigger rooster gets along with the small one. The small rooster is tiny. Like smaller than all the hens and very skittish scaredy cat sissy boy 🤣🤣😭 He is crowing though. Looks like a Batam chicken.They both crowing. They both guard the coop together sitting close to the door. The bigger rooster takes the spot by the window. One time the smaller one got on that side and the bigger rooster gave him a small few pecks to tell him to move. Lol. Of course I worry about the hens. I have no idea if the age of the chickens or anything since I first visited the property. Hopefully we will be hatching more hens soon.
They do tend to get along as long as the Beta rooster does not feel like he needs to challenge the Alpha rooster.

I had two roosters that this arrangement worked out just right. But my husbans favorite rooster was the Beta rooster so Jake had to go. I found him a nice home with hens that needed a rooster for fertile eggs.

I had a Bantam rooster once who terrorized the standard size roosters. He would preen in front of anything chrome to admire himself. He was particularly fond of his relection in the Barbecue whells!

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