Anyone know if the website is down?

Thanks! He will make pretty babies. My sharabelle has her baby Angel who is 5 months old now, and I have another boer that is about 5 months old too. She is new.


I have had the saanan's for quite a while now.
I have 2 miniature donkeys, and beagles, and chickens and ducks too.
I love my farm, I am new to goats too! Goatweb talked me through the birth of my baby angel. It was my first time to deliver a baby goat. I learned alot from goat web.
It's doing the same thing here!
It says -
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
I also go to and also they are great sites and know quite a few people there and is where all the GW people are meeting now... I talked to some and that is what I was told.
yes the birthing of new babies is scarey and its thrilling each time I have to do it as its never the same...I have about 45 or so Nigerians and nigi/pygmy crosses and some alpine goats too. Thats not all I have but most of the places try to help with other critters too...just thought I'd l;et ya know to all the goatweb
Hi everyone, thanks for all the info on where everyone is! I posted the baby photos on the goat spot web site, but here they are again.

Baby Boy

Baby Boy, again

Zuni and the twins

Zuni and the twins

The twins with the girl facing us

Everything seems to have gone just fine - she delivered between 2 - 4:30 am between checking and did it all on her own!
I want some! What beautiful coloring and babies. Next spring I'm hoping to add a couple of Nigerian Dwarfs here. Thanks to everyone for the good goat sites - I still have lots to learn there also.

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