Anyone look like they'll be laying anytime soon?

Is Marshmellow a White Leghorn? If so, she'll be close within the next couple of weeks I'd say.

Here's my WL the week before she started laying.

Here she is the week she laid her first egg.
I had one leghorn lay at 18 weeks and 4 more followed within 2 weeks. Still waiting on the sixth. My RIR and BO just started and they are 26 weeks:) Good luck, I know I hated waiting:)
"Is Marshmellow a White Leghorn? If so, she'll be close within the next couple of weeks I'd say."

I was told she is a White Rock, but now I'm not so sure lol. Hmmm...

Anyone have guesses on who will be the first?
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From these pics, I'd say you've got a little longer to least until their combs and wattles get larger and redder. Has any one squatted for you yet? Those were the biggest indicators my girls showed just before laying. I know the wait is almost agonizing. But start practicing your happy dance any way.

Taylor seems to almost maybe kinda sorta squat when I get close. She does that once then won't again for a little while.
I agree with the "squat" indicator. Each of my pullets started laying one week, to the day!!, of doing the egg squat. BTW, grandkids loved this because they could pick up one of the girls anytime they wanted!!

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