Anyone make homemade laundry soap?


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
I wanted to try it, and I found a recipe that calls for Fels Naptha (or something like that) bar laundry soap but I'm not having any luck finding that.

Anyone have a recipe that doesn't use that, or else, do you know where I might find some?
I checked my walmart already. And I dont have a safeway.

Can order online, but with shipping and everything, dont think you'd be saving much money.
I make all my own soap and stuff starting right from the goat's milk...but her way seems so much easier. LOL
I've made it in the past.... but not for the past two years (moved too much.. and still trying to settle in) but it's easy. I found the fels naptha at a grocery store. Not the walmart/kmart/meijers types...they didn't carry it. Just a smaller grocery store. You can always ask your local grocer to order it and carry it for you. Or I'm sure you could find it online. Do a search for homemade laundry soap and you may find a recipe w/ different ingredients. I liked the one I used... it worked great, and worked well for my kids sensitive skin too. I think I even made it w/ Dove soap b4 when I was out of the other.

Here's a recipe for liquid laundry detergent:

1/3 bar of fels (grated)
1/2 cup Arm and Hammer Soda (found in laundry aisle)
1/2 cup borax

grate soap and put in a pan w/ 3 quarts water. Heat until dissolved. Stir in other ingredients, mix and heat until dissolved. cook for 15 minutes (will be thick and syrupy) remove from heat and pour 1 quart hot water in bucket, then add soap mix. Add 5 and a half quarts cold water. Mix until well blended. set aside for 24 hours. Use half a cup for each load. (store in a 5 gallon bucket)

My mom was taking care of my family during one of my many bedrests and she made it in a powder form. She grated a bar of soap to equal 1 cup... added 1/2 cup borax, and 1/2 cup A&H Soda. Use 1 or 2 tablespoons per load.

Hope this helps!

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