Anyone make their own transport crates?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Franklin, KY
I was wondering if anyone builds their own transport crates for getting birds to the processor? The processor I use requires they be crated. I have the numbers of a few people that sell crates, but wow is the price high for a box made out of venthilated plastic. Any adivce would be appreciated. Thanks,
i process birds that i get from other people. when i go pick them up, i bring a large plastic storage container from the discount store with air holes poked in the top. the birds are calm because it's dark and it makes them easier to catch and keep because you can just lift the corner of the lid and put them in there. the others who are still waiting are calmer as it is dark.
I make my own crates for several different reasons but they would work fine for that too. It's very simple. Took me about 2 hours...would have taken less but I had to go hunt for some things too. If you want directions let me know I can make some up. And I have some pics too if you want to see them.

What you need is screws, 2x2's, hardware cloth and some hinges...oh and a drill and drill bit/screwdriver bit would be nice too. My crates are about 2x2 or 3x3 depending on what I need them for. I have six so far, all different sizes.
I saw photos from a ChickenStock that showed homemade crates made from produce cartons and chickenwire. That's what I'd do. I am nowhere near qualifying as handy.
That's really cool. I posted a similar question in June, but I didn't get any replies with this much info. I just might have to build some, so I can stop borrowing them from my friends every time I need to go to the processor.
most people overbuild them i think. I've made several out of 1x2" cage wire, at least thats what we always called it, and j clips. all you do is cut the wire the size you want cut ends outn of the same wire J clip it all together and there you go. do the door the same way just cut it large enough to get the birds in and out easily, cut the lid to overlap it and use j clips for the hinges just dont tighten them down as much, 30 mins tops to make.
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Not sure how many birds you have or how long the trip will be, but I've transported some chickens (not the food variety) in some discarded produce boxes. If you have supermarkets, Costco, etc, you can probably find some.

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