Anyone non-religious here? Please be nice!

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Yup..when we are gone, we're gone...thats it....kaput...

This. My Mom had such a hard time with this part of it. She just kept asking "Don't you WANT to believe that after we die we all end up together???" Well, sure, but just because I want to believe something doesn't make it true. That's about where she got frustrated with me and told me that I need to "think less and feel more!"
I adore my Mom, and really try to avoid conversations about religion with her for just this reason. The human brain has some real issues with conceiving of the notion that it may just cease to exist. It seems to be hardwired. I'd say the thought gives me trouble as well, thinking about it can be like getting to a door and one hand trying to open it while the other tries to swat that hand away. But, my thoughts are little firings in my brain. No brain/death = no thoughts = my not existing . It may seem depressing or scary, I admit that it is to me as well. But, there it is.

We are interesting animals, humans.

I totally agree with all of this, except for the last bit. I've never found it in the least depressing or scary (though I do have an almost insane fear of any pain while dying. Physical pain absolutely destroys me). Mark Twain sums it up best, I think:

"I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me a bit."
My husband and I are both Atheists. I don't mind other people's religions, I feel that if people want to believe in a god then that is great, I just feel that I don't push my non beliefs on you so you shouldn't push your beliefs on me. Everyone is entitled to believe in what they want and I don't think that one religion or non-religion is superior to another. I absolutely hate when people are pushy with their religion. We are also major believers in Evolution and Science. I don't see how people do not believe in evolution, but hey everyone is entitled to their own beliefs I know when I look at my brother I can definitely see chimp-like behavior in there
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LOL, you are too funny tonini...

Evolution is always an interesting topic to me (and I used to not "believe" in evolution before I knew anything about it really). I think a lot of people simply do not even really know what evolution entails. I certainly didn't. Oftentimes, I will hear someone say something about evolution (the same things I used to say) and it will be very apparent that they don't even understand what evolution is.

Anymore, I think it is funny to even say I "believe" in evolution. "Believe in" doesn't adequately convey it. Accepting evolution is, to me, simply acknowledging reality. Before I took college level sciences, I thought evolution was some far out, bizarre theory that only a few people on the fringe of science believed. I was so clueless. Now, saying I "believe" in evolution is sort of like saying I believe in the theory of gravity. LOL, I'm sure you understand what I mean.
Yeah the correct term would be to accept evolution lol. But it seems like every time we we find a new link to try to tie us to animals and more primitive primates, people get more mad and refute it saying there needs to be more evidence. Also try to think where our civilization would be now if it weren't for religion. For instance, back in the day when it was discovered that the earth went around the sun not the sun going around the earth and they did not want to accept it and imprisoned Galileo for supporting it. Also all the people hung for not believing that god did everything. If people would not have been so scared to challenge god, what they could have discovered earlier and could have been improved upon by now could be amazing.
There never would have been the holy wars and numerous other religious wars as well as all the witch hunts and religious genocides.

Oh and seriously if you would se my one brother and some of his
CityChicker I have said that before - if I want to believe in an invisible force which effects my whole life I'll believe in gravity!!

I'll start the new church The Universal Church of Gravitational Pull! I'll be the First Holy Load!!!!
Also too if there is a god why do bad things happen to good people? I know he has "his plan", but think of all the innocent children who are harmed, what did they do? I know not to long ago around me there was a 19 yo dad who"did some nasty sick things" to his 18 month old daughter and she died from her injures..What did the poor girl do that god decided that was her "destiny"
I'm atheist also. World is a wonderfull place , but humanity stinks,and if god exists he has done a terrible job whith his master piece, us.
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