Anyone on now to help me! Please!!

Good get out for a while and try to not fret about it too much!
You might not see it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there! Don't do anything. Don't open the bator. Just sit back and wait. Pipping the shell is REALLY hard work, so it'll probably quieten down and rest for a few hours now. Like, as long as p to 24 hours! So don't start worrying there's something wrong when it doesn't hatch out in the next couple of hours. They need the rest time to recover some strength and to absorb the rest of the yolk sac.
Said chickie hatched while I was at my meeting but we came home to find it on it's back in the incubator getting trampled by the other chicks. My son and I went on a rescue mission and made it a little makeshift cage so it could see the other chicks but not get out and they couldn't get in. It has since fluffed up nice and no longer just falls and lasy on its back however it does not look like it can stand up as tall as the other chicks. It looks like it is sitting on its feet when it walks and if bumped by another chick peeps and peeps and peeps. Will this correct itself? Or is there something wrong with its legs?

I have another one with spraddle leg - I tried the bandaid thing but it just flopped onto the floor stressed out peeping it's little head off. Flippig all over the place, how do you "fix" them w/o them freaking out? It's eatting and drinking now (he's a few days old) so I'm not sure how to help its legs....any suggestions? Looking into getting a rubber mat in the brooder box for it to walk on to help? Anything else other than the bandaids as I'm not sure I did it right with the fuss it was making and it's inability to stand up.

This first timer needs some help!!! Thanks all!!

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