Anyone own Leopard geckos, I have some ?s


9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
Southeast MO
Hey im going to get a leopard gecko, or two. But I was wondering what is the best gender to get as a pet male or female? I have a really big tank I am going too use as the cage so I was thinking of getting more then one, should I get two females? I don't want to breed them so Im not going to get a pair, can I have two males, or will they fight? Do females lay eggs even without the male their, if so do just throw the eggs away? Thanks to anyone that helps
I would only do 1 gecko. 2 males will fight. Females might get along but there is always the chance that one will stress the other out to the point of death. Gender doesn't matter as far as personality go, i have a awesome male as well as awesome girls that don't mind handling. I find that females are hard to come by though. Most of the geckos that the now non-existent local pet store got in were males. With one of my girls, someone donated it to the store and i took it home. The other female i have came in when the store bought from a small reptile dealer from downstate. I have a jungle, tangerine, and 3 normals.
If you want more than one leo, get females. Males will fight TERRIBLY. I used to breed leos (had over 150 animals in my breeding stock) and never had problems putting females together. Best to get young ones and put them together. Generally will not lay eggs unless stimulated to by mating/nest box. Do the leo a favor and put it on a carpet or paper toweling. That sand crap (no matter how much they say it will digest) doesn't digest. Offer places for them to hide under. Will need calcium supplementation with D3, as they do not utilize UV light like other lizards (they are noctural, but this saves you from buying a $80 pointless light).

Aww, how I miss my leos
Had to go have a baby of my own, so the leos got sold off. We had so many and I loved them all!
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I have a cute Bell Albino male I got from a breeder in TN. She is on here as Strawberryhousemouse. She ships them. I just love my "Mr. Jingles".








FYI, females won't lay eggs unless there is a male around.

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