Title says it all. I was considering getting 2 emu's, though that would require a substantial investment in fencing. I've read the meat is like lean beef. They lay 15 - 50 eggs per year and weigh 110-140 pounds grown. So If I raised 6 per year I could maybe do away with my grass fed beef order. And hopefully could sell eggs or chicks. I think they are neat looking birds. There are different versions of how much space they need but the boys don't crow and the girls give a boom boom only during mating season
I have read they need at least a 100 foot run though I've also read they need an acre. But I could run a 10' wide fence down both back property lines which in total would be a 1200' run with an additional square area an coop.
Of course hubby already said no. But was wondering if anyone had tried it. I know they don't breed til 18 months to 2 years.

I have read they need at least a 100 foot run though I've also read they need an acre. But I could run a 10' wide fence down both back property lines which in total would be a 1200' run with an additional square area an coop.
Of course hubby already said no. But was wondering if anyone had tried it. I know they don't breed til 18 months to 2 years.