Anyone read any good books lately?!

whoop whoop

Apr 26, 2015
Rainbow Nation
I have just finished the Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas. It was a bit of a mission and had to have a dictionary with me but was really good. Also ploughed through Lord of the Rings - all I can say is that Tolkein was in a world of his own.

Tony Park is an Australian who writes about South Africa and have also just read Dark Heart which was exciting.
Well I have never heard of those who are they by? I do like murder mystery and books about the war in Iraq I find it so interesting how those guys operate, with so much armour and the heat. Infact i read just about anything except Zombie books and soppy books they bore me to tears

I've been reading the "Joe Burgess series" by Kate Flora. Titles are "Playing God","The Angel of Knowlton Park" and now "Redemption". The lead character Detective Joseph Burgess is in his fifties Vietnam veteran. He lives and works in Portland, Maine.

Another series I really enjoy is Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown. The title "Rest in Pieces" comes to mind. Although I would add this disclaimer. If you don't like your animal characters to talk then this series isn't for you. The main characters are Mrs. Murphy, Tee Tucker and Pewter (two cats and a dog).

I read a lot. Two or three books a week is a light week especially once winter gets here.

Welcome to BYC nice to have someone that also read books. I see you have chooks what breed are yours?

I also read lots, I love detective series I will get those if I can. Have you read any Ian Rankin? or Peter Robinson? they are also detective
stories but my favourite is Detective Charlie Resnick the books are by John Harvey and he has four cats which are always doing 'cat things'.
Its diifficult to choose there are so many books in the series. I must say that I thought I had read most detective books but have never heard of Kate Flora, we are a bit limited here for books mostly have to go to the second hand book store because all of our books are imported and they are extremely expensive,

There is nothing nicer that tucking up in a warm bed with all my animals and openning a new book, I have never got to manage an ipad or kindle it just isn't the same.
I read a ton!! Have read all that you mentioned. LOTR is one of my favorite! I also enjoy classics and re-read Pride & Prejudice often.

I have recently fallen in love with Indie novels. If you've never heard of or read Colleen Hoover, do it now. Hopeless is my fave of hers but she has quite a few. They are not the big hard reads like you talked about but very good and some heartwrenchingly good.

I also enjoy cop thriller books (not scary horror thriller) but like James Patterson books.
Wasn't sure what Indie books were!!!, looked them up on google - look good. I really really thought I had read masses of books, and I can see now there is a whole new world out there. I am off tomorrow armed with all these new titles to see what I can find, thank you guys so much
Wasn't sure what Indie books were!!!, looked them up on google - look good.  I really really thought I had read masses of books, and I can see now there is a whole new world out there.  I am off tomorrow armed with all these new titles to see what I can find, thank you guys so much
Lol I know what you mean! My friend introduced me to indie books and I'm hooked! But I go in stages. Want action and excitement in one day and sweet romance the next then some days want to really work at reading and read something profound and meaningful lol!

My chickens are from a Tyson chicken house so it is safe to say they are some type of meat bird or hybrid. I am finding them very interesting and funny. My 160 lb buck runs away if one even walks in his direction. The smallest goat is the least disturbed by them.

As for digital vs. depends on my mood.

I have a Nook that I really like but I still like paperback and hardback books. The Nook I like because I can change font size when my eyes are causing problems. I love the dictionary aspect of it. I like having so many choices of what to read without the weight. (My copy of Lord of the Rings is all the books bound together as about heavy). With the more tangible books there is a sense of familiarity and comfort that the Nook doesn't have yet. Plus some books are not available on Nook. I like to read when I am soaking in the tub sometimes and my hands being the way they are ... things drop unexpectedly so a Nook is not a good idea there. There are also the memories with a favorite book. Things that were going on in my life the last time I read it, kinds of memories, that the version on Nook just doesn't have.

Another author I enjoy is Joanna Fluke. "Peach Cobbler Murder" is a title there. Yet another author Diane Mott (another name in there I just can't remember what it is). "Prime Cut" is one of her titles.

All the authors and titles are ones I have read and re-read periodically. The Joe Burgess series I haven't made up my mind about - I may read it again and I may not.

I hope you'll find something you enjoy.


My chickens are from a Tyson chicken house so it is safe to say they are some type of meat bird or hybrid. I am finding them very interesting and funny. My 160 lb buck runs away if one even walks in his direction. The smallest goat is the least disturbed by them.

As for digital vs. depends on my mood.

I have a Nook that I really like but I still like paperback and hardback books. The Nook I like because I can change font size when my eyes are causing problems. I love the dictionary aspect of it. I like having so many choices of what to read without the weight. (My copy of Lord of the Rings is all the books bound together as about heavy). With the more tangible books there is a sense of familiarity and comfort that the Nook doesn't have yet. Plus some books are not available on Nook. I like to read when I am soaking in the tub sometimes and my hands being the way they are ... things drop unexpectedly so a Nook is not a good idea there. There are also the memories with a favorite book. Things that were going on in my life the last time I read it, kinds of memories, that the version on Nook just doesn't have.

Another author I enjoy is Joanna Fluke. "Peach Cobbler Murder" is a title there. Yet another author Diane Mott (another name in there I just can't remember what it is). "Prime Cut" is one of her titles.

All the authors and titles are ones I have read and re-read periodically. The Joe Burgess series I haven't made up my mind about - I may read it again and I may not.

I hope you'll find something you enjoy.


I am off today to try and get all those you suggested. I fall asleep reading, when it is a heavy book like a Glenn Meade I knock myself out!!! and wake myself up. I know what you mean about memories I also have some books that hold fond memories. I have a library of sorts of all my books and often find I have forgotten some and re read, getting old I suppose.

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