Anyone tried a temporary chicken-fencing thing? Hard to


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Central FL
This is one of those times where I'm just not sure if I can explain what I have in mind. I have chickens arriving in April and I have a new coop. It has a small enclosed run with a wood floor (post with pics is here: )

But I'd love to be able to free-range them. I don't like the idea of them not being able to peck about in the yard when the dog is inside. Here's my issues:

We have hawks. Lots of mad, angry, beak-licking hawks.
And Eagles. They give us the stink eye and look hungry.
And although we have 6-foot privacy fencing, all the neighbors have dogs so if a hen hopped over, it'd be a snack

We have about 2 acres fenced and one area with lots of tall trees and bushes and sorta sandy areas. My boys like to play in there... I had thought about finding a way to temporarily fence that in so the girls could peck around in there a few times a week. It's a pretty large area - probably if you parked 2 big RVs together that's about the area - LOL. I don't want a permenant fence around it because that will be a HUGE pain for DH when he mows the lawn...

Is there anyway to put a temporary fence around it that would be easy to put up and take down? Some sort of netting maybe? I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with a way to do this. It wouldn't be the end of the world if they jumped over it because they'd still be in our yard and I could grab them and bung them back in (I hope). I'm a SAHM so I'm home all day and would only let them out while I'm home.

I know there must be a way to let my girls free range in our yard without getting eaten.

I read in a book somewhere about tying netting to pvc poles and then putting pipe in the ground or something.... and putting the netting/poles into the holes??..... I don't know.... I even thought about using some sort of camo army netting?? LOL

Any advice? Someone on here has done this before right?

(I should mention that these are secret chickens too....)

Thanks SOOOO much!
We-e-l-l, I've made temp fences using some green vinyl coated wire I got from Lowe's. It is a 2"x3" mesh and I got it 36" tall. I went in the concrete dept and got some 4' rebar rods to use as posts. They push in the ground pretty easily. And I was told that a chicken won't necesarily challenge a fence they can see through and it has seemed to work for me. but, I guess that depends on the breed and how easily they can fly, such as the Mediterranean breeds. I only have heavier weight dual purpose and they pretty mich keep their feet on the ground. Oh, and I use black 4" zip ties to fasten the wire to the rebar. Just takes 2-3 zip ties per post. I get those in the electrical dept.

Hope this helps.

edited for spelling and punctuation.
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p.s. Oh, you're the one with that good looking coop with the neat steps! Love it!!!

I used to live in Longwood on Palm Springs Drive.
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I saw a picture once of a large trampoline that someone had put fencing/netting around and on top and made a chicken tractor out of it. Your husband (and yourself) could just move it to another part of the yard when needed. That being said, I have no idea how heavy the frame of a trampoline is but I thought it was a very good idea.

Aha! My next door neighbor has a trampoline and they slide over the ground pretty easy. I've seen him move his when he mows.
Thanks everyone!!!

Larry - I'm totally going to try that fencing and some rebar. That sounds right up my alley!! THANKS!

dadof4 - any idea where I get deer netting???

buckeye lady - I like that fence a lot, but I don't want an electric fence since my young children will be out there with the chicken.

You've all be extremely helpful! I'm so thankful to the members of this board for the great advice!!

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