Anyone try this? Update... they loved it!

Heck, I want to try it for me too! It sounds pretty darned tasty!

You do have a point there, we could be greedy and keep it all for ourselves, the crumbles would be kind of hard though...
Wow, that's high! I got mine at the veggie/fruit stand down the road...2 for 2.00. Love those stands in the Summer. Never buy my fruits/veggies at the grocery in the Summer.
When I lived in France we'd get these little Italian cantaloupes that were the size of grapefruit. Halve & seed, then pour some port into it for a delicious summer dessert*. MMmmmmmm...

*Not chicken friendly
Are you feeding the chickens or planning a brunch?

I feed mine cold watermelon. They eat it down to the bare shell. In fact, the other day I found an old shell hiding in the coop, it was so thin it had actually curled up.
at $2.50 @ , i won't even buy cantalope for myself.

I was thinking the same thing..I am in NC!! But its good to know they like it. Our girls got watermelon today.​
Well lets just say the chickens are not for a financial venture! LOL! Anything that comes into this house eventually get spoiled (except me dangit

I think I'm still trying to win them over...

It really was easy to do, easy clean up when they're done, and if they dont' finish I figure tonight I can stick it in the outside fridge or freeze it for tomorrow .

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