Anyone try those alfalfa/timothy cubes?

I would think all feed stores that carry horse grain would have cubes. They are super common to use for horses. A 50lb bag costs about $7.50 here.

I assume molasses is ok for geese??

I have a flock block for my chickens and my ducks nibble on it and it has molasses in it so I would assume it's okay. I'll check our feed store they don't carry grass hay so i just figured they wouldn't have the cubes either. But it would be nice if they did since TSC is 25 miles from me.
I have a flock block for my chickens and my ducks nibble on it and it has molasses in it so I would assume it's okay. I'll check our feed store they don't carry grass hay so i just figured they wouldn't have the cubes either. But it would be nice if they did since TSC is 25 miles from me.

Should this be given soaked in water or just put out where they can nibble on it?
It is highly recommended that the cubes are soaked before giving to horses, as some have been known to choke on it. People often use them to hydrate horses, especially in cold weather when they are not prone to drink as much. Personally, I use them as treats and do not soak before feeding, but my horses are careful when eating them.

Note: It does expand considerably when soaked.
My geese refuse to eat alfalfa pellets. I have a different pellet with 3 types of grass in it, and they won't eat those, either.

So the cubes are worth a try, but don't buy more than one bag until you see whether or not they will eat it.

If you want greens and they won't eat the cubes, you could always sprout oats for them.
My geese refuse to eat alfalfa pellets. I have a different pellet with 3 types of grass in it, and they won't eat those, either.

So the cubes are worth a try, but don't buy more than one bag until you see whether or not they will eat it.

If you want greens and they won't eat the cubes, you could always sprout oats for them.

How do you sprout oats?
I have had no luck with the ducks or geese eating the alfalfa pellets (mine are a very small pellet just like there duck/goose food)
I feed a mix of oats, whole corn, whole wheat, and a 18% duck/goose pellet. I give them alfalfa hay to nibble on and they seem to like that.
Nope, no luck here with the pellets either...she picked a little, did eat some but not crazy about it like I had hoped.

The pellets I was talking about are three or so inches long and two inches squared...dark green, no hay or molasses mixed in. (I had asked her for alfalfa). Agway sometimes bags up 50 lb. bags into smaller offerings in plain clear plastic so I can't even tell you what the bag looks like or the manufacturer.

Like anything else though, there might be a higher quality product out there. I'd like to try one more time before giving up on this idea as they love green!

Note: the chickens LOVE the stuff~not a speck left on their tray.

Thank you all!
You can buy alfalfa cubes at any store where they sell rabbit/hamster/ gerbil food. They come in small bags I tried it soaked in water but I have extremely picky geese, they didn't like it.

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