Anyone try to return Producers Pride feed?

Well, I'm not saying it's not the feed altough they did eat some of what I put in their feeder today along with the bugs and weeds they found. AND lesson learned from all this, I am going to start purchasing at our local mill from now on, and purchasing 20% which I don't think my TSC layer feed was, but I swear being outside all day was like an antidepressant. Ok, I had 4 weeks of only three eggs and a couple of days with only one egg and my Australorpes always lay even in freezing weather.
Nope, I looked again and just have an unopened bag of scratch. I'll use it eventually. Meanwhile, I was down to a single lady laying a single egg daily out of four hens. At my wits end, I decided to open up the barn and run door and let them free range the 1/3rd acre of trees with about a 8 inch layer of fallen leaves and damp ground below b/c it was sunny and cool. I observed them and they went for the greens first (so that's a clue) then I checked later and Mr Mr was back on his game with one of his girls (another clue) and all four hens at some point in the day made their way back to the nesting boxes and laid FOUR eggs!!! I don't like to free range them too much b/c of our hawks, but hey I think they were bored with life, bored eating the same thing day after day. I found a nearby mill that carries 20% protein layer feed they make, so I'm going to check out next week.
I think Happy Hens make better egg producers. Mine have loved our warm weather and I am getting 4-5 eggs now from my 9 Hens which I would never have expected in February but we are actually still waiting for winter to come here in Ohio. We got our White Christmas and cold spell then and it has been crazy warm for winter. My Ducks are trying to mate and they are sure that Spring has Sprung and I am not showing them any Calendar. lol
Mine never really stopped laying, other than the normal drop off during their annual molt and that 3 weeks of straight rain. I buy my feed at TSC. Idk what to say.

That said, I have 4 additional hens who are too old to lay regularly at almost 5 years old.
I have two older Rouen Hens not laying either and they are around 6 now. Some people put them in the pot or send them down the road but I don't have the heart to do that as they were some of my first girls and gave me babies and eggs for quite a while before they reached this age. I also use feed from both TSC and Rural King. In the 3 years I have bought feed I have only gotten a bad bag from TSC once and they took it right back with no questions asked. It had turned to dust and had a lot of webbing in it.

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