Anyone up for a Hatchalong?

My English termsmaybe are not too good as Im from Puerto Rico and we mostly talk in panish lol,,, but I mean not to tuurn them anymore, as I raise chickenns a lot from eggs I use this term but its true theres no lockdown of emu eggs lololololol Im talking to him a lot !! as I have 6 more eggs at the bator to turn everytime I turn them I speak and he reacts lol

lol.. that's ok.. I wasn't trying to correct your english.. Just didn't want someone with no knowledge of emus at all to think they had to go through "lockdown" like chickens and other barnyard fowl

for me.. I only stop turning my emu eggs when the eggs sound.. then I make sure the air cell is facing up. i'm sure when people were hatching them by the hundreds at a time some of the emu farmers just stopped turning the eggs a few days before hatch.. but so far it seems a lot of them checked eggs for sounding too

so how are your babies doing today?
i opened up my two left over eggs yesterday and one had a chick in it. It only weighed 1/4 lbs. Which is about 1/4 the hatching weight. I'm pretty sure that it died during the power outage when the incubator was off for 12 hours. This was about 2 weeks ago and it still had about a month to go.
Sorry about that Sumatra.

Congrats about your eggs and chicks Pollitollito!

I weighed the eggs yesterday-

Beginning weight-

D- 604g
E- 630g

2nd weight-

D- 592g
E- 614g

Yesterday's weight-

D- 578g
E- 598g

I gave the eggs a gentle jiggle, and did not feel the insides sloshing this time, does that means it had repaired itself, or something?

My 3 eggs came in the mail yesterday, the packing was great, the insides of the eggs felt intact, no sloshing! They were labeled, so I will use the labels for their names.

C4B- 464g
C1- 578g
C4- 634g

I just set them today! :D
I weighed the eggs yesterday-
Do you know how to figure the weight loss percentage?
Math lesson.....

original weight minus current weight = x
divided by original weight =
decimal (change it to percent)

Egg D, for example....
604 - 592 = 12
12 / 604 = .0198 or 1.98%

Egg E, for example.....
630 - 614 = 16
16 / 630 = .025 or 2.5%

OW = Original Weight. CW = Current Weight
The formula is:

edited to add: I figured your second weight, not your third weight. At what day # did you weight them?
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Well, I am horrible at math, so I did not do any math work. But I figured out that egg E lost 32 grams total, lost 16 grams at each weighing. Egg D lost 12 grams at the end of the first week, and lost 14 grams at the end of the second week, which was yesterday. Total weight lost is 24 grams. I have been weighing the eggs once a week, every Thursday.
Do you know how to figure the weight loss percentage?
Math lesson.....

original weight minus current weight = x
divided by original weight =
decimal (change it to percent)

Egg D, for example....
604 - 592 = 12
12 / 604 = .0198 or 1.98%

Egg E, for example.....
630 - 614 = 16
16 / 630 = .025 or 2.5%

OW = Original Weight. CW = Current Weight
The formula is:

edited to add: I figured your second weight, not your third weight. At what day # did you weight them?

and to add to all that.. if incubating at 97.5 (50 days incubation) you would need to figure out how much weight they need to lose in a week to keep within the "safe" zone of 15% +/- 1.2%

so for egg D: 604g -15% = 90.6g (513.4 g final weight) / 50 days = 1.812g per day or 12.684g per week

egg E would be 630 - 15% = 94.5g (535.5 g final weight) / 50 days = 1.89g per day or 13.23g per week

if incubating at a lower temperature it would still need to lose the same percentage of weight total however you would divide that by how ever many days you would need for the length of incubation... so for example at 95.5 it would take 60 days and the weight per week would change accordingly to egg D: 604g -15% = 90.6g (513.4 g final weight) / 60 days = 1.51g per day or 10.57g per week

Farmerboy, egg E looks like it's running a little high on weight loss..
at 15% it would look more like:
630 - 13.23 (week 1) = 616.77
616.77 - 13.23 (week 2) = 603.54
So you may want to keep an eye on it
and to add to all that.. if incubating at 97.5 (50 days incubation) you would need to figure out how much weight they need to lose in a week to keep within the "safe" zone of 15% +/- 1.2%

All I did was write down the percentages on mine. I did no figuring of a "safe zone." I kept my incubator at 97.5 and my 2 hatched just fine, all on their own.

I'm sure I was just lucky, as I had no clue as to what I was doing.
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All I did was write down the percentages on mine. I did no figuring of a "safe zone." I kept my incubator at 97.5 and my 2 hatched just fine, all on their own.

I'm sure I was just lucky, as I had no clue as to what I was doing.

hey.. all you really need is luck!

Sometimes eggs end up too close to the fan or the shells are more porous.. so it's good to know if they are hitting where they should be for weight loss... if you can catch it early enough you can move them around the bator or try to increase/decrease the humidity as needed.. some eggs end up needing to be painted with a non toxic paint or partially covered in wax if the shells are really porous.. I've done that with some poultry eggs before and it works great
Here is how I incubated successfully.........
Set up Brinsea Eco incubator at 97.5
Fill reservoirs with water, hoping humidity around 30%
Turn the eggs whenever I remember to. Some days I forgot to.
Add a little water every once in awhile.
I never did have a hygrometer in the bator.
I did weigh them every once in awhile.
When I saw the first pip, I crossed my fingers and about had a heart attack.

I don't recommend this method. Just sayin' that is what I did.
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