Anyone up for a Hatchalong?

I had my appendix removed on 2/29/08 so it will be a year on 2/29/12
So yes they would be 12 to breed
got my eggs today, the lady went emu tipping so I got a few prestarted eggs
sure surprised the emu but she left him one.
Day 49 for 2 of mine is 02/22 and for the other 3 is 02/28. I'm not sure how many days over 49 it takes for them to hatch. It sounds like mine aren't too far behind yours.

Day 49 for 3 of mine is February 28th
I have 2 with day 49 on February 29th
and 1 has day 49 on March 2nd

more eggs are due to arrive this week.. soI'm going to be turning eggs for a while!
Wow, we've nearly set our eggs at the same time.....hopefully most of them hatch.

I'll be getting eggs once a week from the woman who owns the emus until her female stops laying. This lady also has peafowl and rheas....I'll be hatching her pea eggs this year too. Don't know if the rheas are a pair or not.....fingers cross there. I'd love to try to hatch those too.
I'm gonna be a first time Emu hatcher soon, I'm using a Genesis, I've already tested it over 24 hours and it stabilizes at 97.5° with 36% humidity without any changes. I have three questions though.

After I receive the eggs should I let them rest outside the incubator for 36 hours? The room where the eggs and incubator are to be kept is climate controlled at 75° day and night.

When I set the eggs in the incubator, should the incubator be pre-heated to the target temperature and humidity or turned on after the eggs are set inside?

When turning the eggs, do you rock them back and forth or in one direction?
Like this:
I'm gonna be a first time Emu hatcher soon, I'm using a Genesis, I've already tested it over 24 hours and it stabilizes at 97.5° with 36% humidity without any changes. I have three questions though.

After I receive the eggs should I let them rest outside the incubator for 36 hours? The room where the eggs and incubator are to be kept is climate controlled at 75° day and night.

When I set the eggs in the incubator, should the incubator be pre-heated to the target temperature and humidity or turned on after the eggs are set inside?

When turning the eggs, do you rock them back and forth or in one direction?
Like this:

Sometimes i turn mine one way.. other times the other... I figured the male emu doesn't turn the eggs the exact way every time so why should I?
grr.. no edit button..

I let mine sit at room temp for 12 hours or so (unless the egg feels really cold.. then i let it sit for 24)

I have one incubator on and running awaiting eggs that will be here this week.. so nope.. I don't turn mine off.. i have it warm and ready for the eggs before putting them inside

I don't worry about the humidity until the eggs have been inside for a few days.. in my experience the humidity will jump up when the eggs are first put in then drop a bit over the next 24 hours after the eggs have warmed up... your millage may be different on that bit though since everyone's homes tend to have a different relative humidity
do NOT roll the eggs only one way! When the embryo starts developing that would continue to kink and twist the umbilical, to the yolk sac. You need to turn 180 one way and then the next turn will be a 180 the opposite way, so you are "rocking" the egg back and forth essentially, again do NOT roll in just one direction.
Thanks for answering my questions, I thought turning in one direction seemed like a bad idea but wanted to make sure. I've only ever seen it mentioned once in all the reading I've done.
Now I just need to get through the warmup waiting game for the eggs to get here, I placed an order on Kalaya's website the other day but haven't heard back from them yet beyond the auto receipt, oh the suspense.

On day 42 I plan on setting up a Webcam, I'll be sure to post a link when the time comes.

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