Anyone up for a Hatchalong?

Yes, my rotten egg and the clear egg lost weight up until the time I discarded. The last weigh in for the clear egg it hadn't last anything and I didn't chance weighing the rotten one when I determined it was rotten.

I was so hoping that an egg losing the proper weight each week = growing chick.

The suspense is gonna drive me nutty.
My eggs aren't due until the end of February!
The eggs I am getting are only 50 miles away but any really fresh eggs were ruined because of our 30 degrees and below weather.
We are expecting snow this weekend.
for the last 2 days it was 22 and 24 when I woke up!
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I was so hoping that an egg losing the proper weight each week = growing chick.

The suspense is gonna drive me nutty.
My eggs aren't due until the end of February!

What day are you due? Mine are due on the 28th but I am hoping for leap year babies myself LOL

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