Anyone Use Flockraiser for Laying Hens?

Enchanted Sunrise Farms

12 Years
Apr 26, 2007
Fair Oaks, California
i have been feeding Layena to my hens. Then i got ducks and geese and they get Flockraiser. Couple times i've run out of the Layena and used the Flockraiser for the chickens and they seem to like that better. i know it's higher in protein and does not have extra calcium, but if i supplement with the crushed oyster shell, wouldn't that be sufficient?

Just wondering if there could be any problems with feeding them the Flockraiser as their main diet.
I use flockraiser for my hens and supplement with crushed oyster shell and high calcium dark leafy greens and broccoli! No problems - they seem to do better on the higher protein (no more feather picking/eating).
I use it for my flock after 8 weeks of age! With oyster shell on the side! Everybody is healthy and happy!!!
I get Flock raiser but only with a coupon. It's to expensive otherwise. Purina feeds are the most expensive here. I mix it with the cheaper stuff. Plus I prefer pellets too cut down on waste.

The only thing I have read is that developing pullets might benefit from a protein percentage closer to the 17-18% range to prevent reproductive problems. But adult hens- many here on BYC feed high protein and give oyster shell on the side.

Some I have read feel that it is unnecessary stress on the kidneys to give higher protein than the usual 16%.

I really don't know the answer, but if you are giving treats/scratch/greens or free ranging, then you are lowering the protein content anyhow. So it would be a moot point.

Bottom line is, I would feel comfortable with it in your situation (but this is just my opinion).
I use a flockraiser type feed milled at a local feed mill. It's called Allway Kernels. I feed it to all my birds, from young chicks to old hens. Supplement with oyster shell for the laying hens.
Thanks, i thought it would be okay, just needed some first-hand experience.

i have all adult hens, some have quit laying due to age, and no roos. When i give them the Layena crumbles, it seems to get all kicked out onto the floor of their coop. i hate the waste. They seem to actually eat the Flockraiser. i also give them leafy greens, hard boiled eggs, and other veggies several times a week. Had been giving them shelled BOSS, but it's so expensive i've stopped that. It will be easier just buying the Flockraiser for everyone.
The only chickens I don't give flockraiser to is chicks being raised in a brooder. If the broody hen is raising them they get the flockraiser from day one. In the brooder I use medicated chick starter for the first eight weeks and then switch over to the flockraiser.

I remember reading, though I can't remember where (probably in Storey's Guide to Chickens) that broody raised chicks gain a natural immunity to coccidiosis by being exposed to the adult birds droppings in the coop. Brooder raised chicks don't get that benefit, so they need the medicated.

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