Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

Well, I went ahead and put quite a bit of sand over the mud - at least now I can walk without sliding! Hope this isn't going to be a problem - putting it over the mud. We had a bunch of sand from where we moved the playhouse/chickencoop. It was underneath the playhouse for the kids sandbox. So it's old sand, but it sure did help the coop. Chickies have it pretty packed down already but it gives them something to scratch. Hard to scratch mud! We'll see how it goes...

When you switched, did yours act the same way?

When I dumped the sand in, wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow full, chickies had lots of fun. Mine don't seem to mind change - they are quite a nosy bunch and like to be right where the action is. Had to get them out of the way so they wouldn't get buried when I dumped it out.

It continually amuses me to watch them be curious. I tell them that "curiosity killed the cat." But THEY don't think it will ever kill a chicken. They are invincible!
Update on my sand and mud:
Can't believe this was a month ago already! Now the sand and mud are all mixed together... so really, back to square one. In a run that's approximately a 50' circle - how deep should I put sand over this sand/mud mixture? I am seriously thinking about filling in the whole area w/ sand and need to know this to see if we can afford the sand...

ALSO: I'm treating for mites/lice tonight and am wondering HOW to treat this outdoor area. Or does it need treating if I'm going to put sand in it?

This area is completely packed (when it's not muddy...) and even when I dig down, there are no worms, no bugs, NOTHING. Hens can barely scratch enough up to take a dirt bath. Moving it or expanding it is not an option, unfortunately.
I Put about 4 inches of sand in mine to start but we have had so many rains I am going to be adding more. I like the sand when it is all wet it will still be smelly when you rake it around but that is just because of the mud underneath. I will probably add more sand in another week or two and only when it is good and dried out. Sand Rocks.
Hello I'm new to raising chickens. I just moved my 5 week old chicks into the new coop and I'm thinking about switching to sand. We laid vinyl flooring to keep the wood floor from rotting if I put sand in the coop do I need to add another liner or is the vinyl enough. (I'd hate to tell my hub we just spent $60 of vinyl when we need something else. Also Would sand be ok in a Western PA winter?
Hello I'm new to raising chickens. I just moved my 5 week old chicks into the new coop and I'm thinking about switching to sand. We laid vinyl flooring to keep the wood floor from rotting if I put sand in the coop do I need to add another liner or is the vinyl enough. (I'd hate to tell my hub we just spent $60 of vinyl when we need something else. Also Would sand be ok in a Western PA winter?
It sounds like you are talking about your hen house with the wooden/vinyl floor. My floor is wood unpainted. The run of the the coop is where I have sand. If that is the case I don't know if I would want to put sand in the actual hen house on top of a wood/vinyl floor. The sand is better for use on the natural ground of the run because your chickens will destroy any grass that is there and it will become a muddy nasty mess in rainy seasons. I am sure sand would work fine in Western PA for that purpose.
I use both DE and oyster shell. I have a sand run and in my coop as well. I dust with DE in the boxes (crevices) also. I use this to keep the buggy population under control.I use a pooper/scooper to clean out the run and then use a rake to "fluff" it a bit.
I live in a dry area, and have a dirt floor (no wood, vinyl, etc..... just hardware cloth between us and the earth). So I don't know anything to suggest in rainy areas. Hope someone who does will chime in...
We started to use sand after our run turned to a muddy swamp after weeks of rain. Sand dries much quicker and doesn't stick to the chickens like mud does. It's much easier to rake up the poop and there is no smell. Although our run has a roof, we put a tarp drape on one side to keep out excess rain and gives extra shade.
I put sand in my run, because I was tired of the muddy conditions after the rains. My run is only 12' X 6' and I put about 5 inches of sand in the whole thing. Let me tell you, it drains great, and the chickens seem to like it. Itis easy to rake up the poo. I also built a sifter and now I go in once a week and shovel the top layer of the sand into the sifter and I get almost everything out. I would reccommend sand to everyone. I live near the beach so it was easy for me to get the wind blown sand off the side of the road, since they are not allowed to put it back on the beach, I didn't really considder it stealing, and besides, all the taxes I pay to help maintain the beach, I thought it was justifiable!


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