Anyone used copper sulfate before?


13 Years
May 26, 2009
Western MA
It was recommended that I give my bird copper sulfate in her water for a crop issue. Do I have to make up a new solution each day or can I just keep using from the same batch? Also, I have seen it recommended in several places to add ACV to the water along with the copper sulfate. I was not told to do this... should I?

The copper sulfate looks so poisonous and harsh to me. I'm a little leery of it...
I wish I could tell you, but the only experience I have had with coper sulfate was making a battery, coating a nickle in copper (electroplating) and growing blue crystals in in class which we were told not to eat because it was toxic. Of course, toxic is relative to mass, and we were kids, and teachers probably didn't want us to get sick if there was a slight chance. I believe it is mixed with another chemical and used as a pesticide/fungicide/herbicide on certain types of plants.
What are you treating, exactly?
Does she have sour crop?

CuSo4 is supposed to treat for parasitic infection as well as bacterial. I've never heard of anyone treating a chicken for "crop issues" with copper sulfate. I think it's supposed to be an emetic but generally considered too toxic for use nowadays, but birds aren't supposed to throw up anyway.
My poor girl is pretty sick. I contacted Peter Brown (AKA the chicken doctor) for advice. Her symptoms are mouth breathing, listlessness, eyes closed. She was coughing when she ate and drank. We ruled out gapeworm, and ILT... started her on penecillin as he suspected something bacterial. We're one week into the sickness and for the last couple of days her crop has been swollen, soft and gassy. Friday night she puked up A LOT of the most insane clear mucus. It was so sticky, like in "Alien"! Yesterday, crop had not gone down, so he recommended the copper sulfate.
Well I guess I'd do it if you trust Dr Brown, I've heard good things about him on here. He's probably telling you the right thing to do.

Me personally I think I'd look for another method of treatment but since I don't know exactly what's going on with your hen you had probably better do what the doctor says.

I immagine the Copper Sulfate interacts with the Acetic Acid in vinegar, so I wouldn't mix them.
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I would never give copper sulfate to a chicken!

I use it in my toilet to keep the roots from growing into the pipes in the backyard on a regular basis.

I gave her a tiny, tiny bit last night, diluted to half the recommendation. Her crop is much better this morning... don't know if it was the CuSo4, but I am grateful!
I have used it with Peter's guidance for a severe intestinal issue with one of my birds. It cleared him up very rapidly and recovered fully. If I remember correctly I just made a small batch and made new each day.

We have to be careful about not using something because we're using it for something else completely unrelated. DMSO comes to mind at the moment for something that has cross over efficacy and is still used by vets.

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