Anyone using black soldier flies?

I realize this thread is pretty old but I thought I'd give my two cents worth. I stumbled upon BSF a couple of years ago. I was cleaning out a bird feeder and it was full of these giant maggot things. I immediately got rid of them and got right onto sanitizing the feeder.
It wasn't a week later when I was researching Aquaponics and raising Tilapia. There was a picture of those giant maggots and I learned all about them. I went to work and built one following plans I found online. It worked great and had thousands of the larvae. Someone I met on the BSF forum said she had a Biopod that I could have if I'd pay the shipping. She'd outgrown her need for it. I set it up and it worked like a charm.
Fast forward to one month ago. I was moving and my BSF cultures hadn't been restarted in the Spring since I knew I'd be moving. I brought it to the new house, set it up, and started filling with my food scraps. I had a chicken in the fridge that I'd let stay too long and I threw that in the Biopod. By the next day it was covered in housefly maggots. I thought to myself "what have I done". There was no way the BSF would be able to compete with literally millions of maggots. I was scooping them out by the trowel-ful and feeding to my chickens. Well, within a week I started noticing BSF larvae. It's only been a couple of weeks now and there are no housefly larvae. It's teaming with BSF. Every night I harvest probably 3/4 cup and feed to my chickens. They love this nightly treat.
I was missing my garbage disposal (there's not one at this house) and was going to get one. I started scraping plates, saving vegetable peelings, etc. and putting in my Biopod. They will eat anything you put in there except egg shells, onion skins, corn cobs, etc.
Here is a video of some of my tests with BSFL bins.
The blue barrel is proving to be problematic in the harvesting department. They crawl around in circles and can't find their way out. I need better ramps. The black upright barrel is great for incubation but still does not harvest well. The grubs crawl right up the walls when the lid is on due to a buildup of condensation. These grubs really do seem to fill the chickens up and keep them happy for a longer period of time. My chicks are not laying yet, but when they do, they will be laying golden eggs! haha
why why am I just now learning about this!?!?I live in Tennessee.I am going to put buckets out in several friends yards a.s.a.p and bring them into our chicken coop/green house before it gets to cold.maybe ill get enough eggs and larvae to produce a little chicken food this winter.if not next year ITS ON lol
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Has anyone tried this set up, this is what I'm wanting to set up, hopefully I'll get one or two built this fall / winter and be ready to go come spring

That's a good question Bethany. I really don't think it matters. You wouldn't want it too shallow and don't want it so deep that you can't reach down in there..
They can make a pile of garbage disappear in a matter of hours. I don't know how they do it. You will not believe how they take care of your garbage. I just recently found out they will not eat raw potatoes. I had some that were past their prime and threw them in there. Weeks later they're still there. Everything else (including chicken bones) is GONE.
They smell to high heaven but the chickens love eating them. I've had days when I've harvested well over a pound or more. I have bags of frozen ones in my deep freezer. Nice little summertime treat for the chix!
I bothered for ages trying to build the "perfect" BSF farm. They never were ideal. I now have a Biopod and it's worth it. The hours and $$ spent trying to make my own weren't worth it...
thanks for the Info Bobby.Money is an issue ( I've came close to getting rid of my chickens thinking about their food bill)so I'll have to do something home made.The metal tool box seems perfect.The middle section already has drain holes and there are small box sections high on each side.I'm thinking all it needs is some stinky garbage and ramps from the middle container to the side pockets
Hi guys, I just set up two baited buckets so I can start a colony of BSFL I put some lettuce, tomato, banana peels, caned corn and some coffee grounds hopefully that will attract them. Is there anyway someone here could send my some larva or eggs? If so plz PM me and ill give you my shiping address ill also reimburse you for shiping.
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