Anyone wanna work out with me???

I'd been thinking everyone gave up!
I'm not doing so good, and am disappointed in myself. Just wanting to snuggle up under a blanket, not exercise. And I know the exercise would warm me up!
wegotchickens, don't beat yourself up , I am just getting over 2 weeks of basically doing NOTHING!! And of course doing nothing makes you feel so guilty which makes you feel worse. Just try to do something, even if it is just walking around outside for a few minutes.

I agree - even if you can manage two days of forcing yourself out of bed, you'll feel automatically more inclined to get up the third or fourth day. That's what worked for me.

You guys got me started exercising again, and I'm sticking with it - 4 days a week now. So thanks, and just feel good about yourself. Little by little, your body will respond to good treatment.

I use exercise tapes, and some of them are a little complicated, especially the dance ones because I don't have a dancin' bone in my body (raised Baptist!). But I just fake the motions or do them part-way. As long as you move!

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