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Wow!! :eek:

If chickens traveled around the world constantly, and was always where it was daytime..... Would they ever sleep? What time would they lay their eggs? Ever wondered?
They would lay one every 24 or so hours. It's like a person's circadian rhythm telling them that it's time to go to bed -- they lay at near-regular intervals if they have the right conditions.
@Sapphire Sebright , is it just me, or on this thread, do I get the most likes from you? I end up getting notifications saying that you've liked seven of my posts with maybe a couple of hahas and loves.
I tend to react to almost all of most people's posts. I throw reactions out like they're going out of style (not that I'm at all fashionable, I just do what's comfortable and decent).
I had to remove 10+ eggs (ROTTEN) from the old chicken coop.:sick😱🤢🤮


We threw them over the fence (stink bombs) and my sis threw one at the water tank and the yolk was BLACK.
Yuk! :sick Have you ever had a rotten goose egg blow up in your house before? Did you know that a broody goose will eat the rotten yoke of an egg that blew up underneath her?

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