Anyone watching/listening to the news?

I thought it was a stupid idea too, but...ouccchhh...about the stock market. Good Lord, does anyone in the government know what they're doing?????
Our representatives are soooo worried about it, that they are not re-convening until Thursday. Poor fellers need a breaky!
The writing has been on the wall for a long time now. I'm glad they voted no. I look at it as a big ugly problem finally bitting their butts and correcting itself. Now I'm not saying it's going to be an easy ride. It's not. But we need to bring things back into balance and wake up to reality.

Get out of debt.
Stop spending above our means.
Stop expecting immedate gradification and learn to save for things again.
Learn to provide for ourselves and not rely on others.
Stop taking the water away from the farmers to water the golf courses.
Oh well, that's just one of my pet peeves.

But we really do need to come back to reality and learn the difference between need and want.

Ok, I'll get off my soap box now.
Supply and demand........if people don't have jobs and guess is prices will go down. The economy accross the board from housing to chicken feed has been artificially inflated over the past several years. We might be in for some rough times but I think it's necessary. I prefer a natural correction to throwing 700 billion dollars ( one third the national debt........more than we have spent on war for the last 7 years ) at the problem with no gaurantee it will actually fix the problem.

It's time the disappearing middle class gets a say. I hope they don't pass the bill.

I really cant see ANYONE complaining about back yard flocks for much longer. Those of us that have them are going to be mighty popular. And should maybe think of two legged predator proofing
Wow. I didnt like the bailout plan because in my limited political knowledge it seemed to me it wasnt helping the people it should have been helping.
right now I am hoping that atleast one of my recently departed relatives left us a decent hunk of change. I want to pay this place off and atleast not have to worry about that.

I know that sounds cold... but the economy is only going to take so much more.
It is really scary. I like to watch the Waltons on halmark channel and I see how tough it was then, but now we depend on so many things that we are not geting from our land. I wish I had listened closer to my mamaw when she was teaching me about gardening.

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