Anyone watching/listening to the news?

you know that old saying..."you are just one pay check from being homeless" is husband is laid off...if my job fails...were in trouble...we have no large savings...just cant do it..we live hand to mouth...we have some..but not enough to make any real differance...and jobs are so scarce! my husband and i are hard workers...we can and would find work..eventually...[b]but it takes a long time to find a job..and get hired...[/b]and then you usually have to wait a week(they usually hold back a week) for a first is scary times...
and are right again!!..every child should have a home first! know what i do for work..and it upsets me so much when i have to pick up a child at a shelter...yup..2 of my kids were in childrens shelters...its sick...yet the state still pays mom her welfare....
...why do we KEEP supporting these wefare cases...the ones that WILL NOT WORK!!..the ones that KEEP HAVING KIDS!..JUST to STAY on welfare!!..but..i also want to say that welfare IS A GOOD THING for people that REALLY need it....people that are really TRYING to get back on their feet... are not an idiot! are one of smartest people i've seen on this site!....Wendy
No One should be a job away from being homeless. No one should have to HOPE they don't get sick and need healthcare. No one should be getting a government check if they can contribute something. We are ( or were ) supposed to be a SuperPower........the richest country in the world. We freely give money....yes ... our taxpayer dollars to other countries in a benevolent fashion when our own people are living in fear of the same. I reiterate.......we should all have a basic right of health care. Not put on employers either. Our children and grandchildren should have access to the medicine WE pay for all the research and development for. Not to cross Canadian or Mexican borders to get the same for a discounted price. That's Ridiculous.

I have thought upon this for a long, long time. I would rather suffer the ramifications NOW than put this dilemma upon my grandchildren. My children are already in this mess with us. I DON't want to leave this as an inheritance.

Forget Starbucks and the our legacy.........let's get back to the basics.

This bill will pass in one form or another this week...........I am against it.

the only problem with healthcare like canada is the WAIT,,,and wait,,,to be seen,,and the doctors are not as smart ,, who's wants to go to school for as long as they do,, and have a cap put on their services,,now the drug companies are a different story,,their just theives,,,and its not the "countries" setting the prescription prices in those areas,, the drug companies do,,,and WHY do they charge US so MUCH more?,, cause they know we'll pay it,,if their prices are to high in canada, the people will go to the "countries" pharmacy and get the governments generics,, which would break the drug comp. ,, we DO need a better health system,, no doubt bout that,, but not like canada's or mexico's,,, ya would think with all them smart people in the whitehouse, they could see the mistakes canada ha made,, and improve on their system,,,,,,but again, that takes commen sense,, and we know how much them idiots on the hill have
I an extent. But if it comes down to seeing a doctor of any kind or making a house payment or being able to feed your family..........I say " Give me a Doctor.......I am sick. need some help here...... and have bills to pay".

Too many people have lost their homes to medical debt here. Sometimes we have to compromise......I guess.

May not be perfect but it's better than just plain nothin'
were going to be losing our health insurance soon..its through my husbands union....and now hes laid off.....i do foster care..they dont supply us with health insurance in that type of job..AND i cant get a job IF i continue to do the foster care...because they want 1 parent to be aviable 24/7 ...because of the extent of these kids mass now there is a law that if you dont have medical affects your taxes...but..yet again...all the welfare people get a free ride!...
...i have never been with out health ins. and it REALLY makes me nervous...Wendy
I know we live in a high tech world. Alot revolves around credit. I know without loans some would not be able to afford car loans so they could get to work,home repairs to keep a roof over our families. These things we have to have.

Credit cards are good if used for emergencies.But where people get caught up is in the I want,and want it now items.
Not thinking what I need rather,what I want now.

What ever happened to BARTRERING! No money was involved. I understand some people might refer to it as "That was in the old days". But weren't families,and neighbors closer? If one had,they all had.

I know I'am talking on a small scale,but is it really?

How many kids today know how to take care of a garden,raise their own meat,build what they need to build?

Ohh, I fogot you buy everything at the store you don't need to know that!

Didn't the bank used to be a Mason jar burried in the ground? Not sure if that was a good idea?

So much knowledge,and self relience has been lost to credit.

Where do we go to from here?
We lost our health insurance two years ago when my DH was layed off from a job he had 25 years in. I have had medical issues for the last 10 years. When I go to the doctor its pay as you go so I only go when I really have to or to get new perscriptions. Last month I had to have a sonogram on my legs The hospital here where the test was given is having financial problems You have to pay before you get the test. There went our mortgage payment. Then these politicians say we should have free choice in our health insurance. No insurance company will cover my medical problems because they are preexisting. Believe me live without medical insurance and Canada's insurance looks good. What gets me is I can't get help for my problems but here in our state the immigrants get free medical. I have worked since I was 14. I have worked and raised 4 kids. I have paid into the system all my life, but when I need it I am out in the cold. Its a catch 22.I can't work because of my problems but I am too young for medicare. I can't collect disability because I have not been able to work for the past ten years . No I have to wait until I turn 65 to get medicare.
ive only had health insurance a very few times in my life,,never used it,,, but the second i dont have it,, i get hurt
. and you STILL pay for it,,is why taxes are so high in canada,, and yes some people need it very badly,,they should always be covered,,, but 1 reason you wait so long,,, is people go to the hospital for dang sniffles,,,,they abuse it, in turn that makes it harder on the people that do need attention.,, i walk around now with a broken neck just because i cant,,well wont, afford it,,, and issss is sad people with real problems have to go without,,,,and ya,, some care is better then none,,,, like i said tho,, it just needs to be improved,,, canada is a good example of a starting point.

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