Anyone watching/listening to the news?

You know, I feel bad for all those who are hurting because of what's going on, I really do. I never want to see bad things happen to anybody. But it's still not the place of the government to make everything all better.

It's up to us to plan ahead for everything to go to pot. We need to have a back up plan in everything we do. We need to have money in different egg baskets.
We need to have 1 years supply of all the necessities of life. We need to have 72 hour kit in case we have to evac. our homes quickly in case of hurricane, tornado, flood etc.

Look inside yourselves and say, "What do I need to do in order to weather any storm that may come my way?" and when you answer that then do what you thought of. Do it NOW! Don't rely on the Government they can't take care of everything and they shouldn't. Hey, I lost my job when it got sent to India. Nobody was there to make it all better for me.

Today it's banks, what's tomorrow? Plan wisely, plan carefully and secure your own future.
if DH doesnt go back to work soon we might need it, LOL
I'm selling his corvette parts on ebay to pay for rent this month!
But I think Texas is to far for us to try and move our chickens and their coop! LMAO


btw-hows the construction jobs in Texas? DH is a union carpenter.

ANYONE that needs it,,,its yours ,,no rent, no nothing,, just upkeep and noone that makes me nervous for my kids,, other then that,,its here for all,,, or as many as we can squeeze in,,heheh
if DH doesnt go back to work soon we might need it, LOL
I'm selling his corvette parts on ebay to pay for rent this month!
But I think Texas is to far for us to try and move our chickens and their coop! LMAO


btw-hows the construction jobs in Texas? DH is a union carpenter.

ANYONE that needs it,,,its yours ,,no rent, no nothing,, just upkeep and noone that makes me nervous for my kids,, other then that,,its here for all,,, or as many as we can squeeze in,,heheh

WOW !!! what a generous offer of you...I dont need it,but I am sure someone could use it.
because it takes 480 thous this year to equal what 140 did lat year

I don't think so. The Great Real Estate run-up of the last 8 years should have more than covered that aspect as houses were way over-valued.

I just don't think people here are desperate to sell or that it's a buyers market. Desperate to sell would mean you'd be willing to take what you owe on your house to get out from under the payments. People here aren't doing that. It has suprised me, given the foreclosure rate in this county.

The person who got foreclosed on on my street is someone who took several loans against their house, didn't pay ANY of their house payments, and took an African safari instead. Yeah, you are gonna get foreclosed on... No kidding.​

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