Anything I need to know before getting Red Goldens?

We used to have a male which was very pretty and I absolutely love his call. Where I lived, it pretty much just blended in with wild birds and no one knew what the noise was.

We tried and tried to get him a female but unfortunately no one was selling any even remotely near us.

At one point he was housed with my quail with no issues, he had even been housed with peafowl, parrots and rabbits (a giant aviary). Our pheasant was pretty laid back though so I wouldn't risk it with some of them.

He'd occasionally try to mate the rabbits which was quite odd to see :gig

Since we couldn't get him a female we decided to sell him on to someone that already breeds them as they were wanting a new bloodline for their group.

They're very pretty birds though and make for some great photos too!

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View attachment 1954385

There he is sneaking in on the last photo! :lau
He’s beautiful, it’s too bad you had to get rid of him
Indeed he was, I mean we could have kept him but we just thought it was better him having females of his own kind.

I'm sure yours will be just as pretty when you get them! How many are you hoping to get?
I’m hoping to get 1 or 2 pairs, so if I get siblings I can switch the 2 around and if they do have babies I could sell unrelated pairs, I’ve been looking at a lot of the pictures of the chicks and I think I’m getting good at telling male and female in the chicks from the males “teardrop” and the female not having that
I’m hoping to get 1 or 2 pairs, so if I get siblings I can switch the 2 around and if they do have babies I could sell unrelated pairs, I’ve been looking at a lot of the pictures of the chicks and I think I’m getting good at telling male and female in the chicks from the males “teardrop” and the female not having that

Sounds like a good plan!

I hope you get what you are wanting, fingers crossed :fl
Here is my golden male. His name is Luke. He's two and a half years old. He is fairly tame, he sits on my hand and takes food from me and doesn't mind cuddles.


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