Appenzeller Barthuhner Thread!

Does anyone have a link/links to standards for Barthuhners or discussion of common defects... besides crossbeaks? I have several chicks but would like to educate myself. info on them is scarce. Thanks, i hope.
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Does anyone have a link/links to standards for Bartuhners or discussion of common defects... besides crossbeaks? I have several chicks but would like to educate myself. info on them is scarce. Thanks, i hope.
You would probably have to find a UK website for any type of standard. I haven't looked yet.
I sooo,admire this breed ,and want to have at least a trio,but I find it hard to give what green fire wants for one chick that is unsexed.if I knew what I would be getting it would make the decision much easier.I mean what if I get one then another and another and end up with all the same sex? Am I the only one struggling w/ this decision or what? Is their some where else to even purchase them.what did some of you do? Where I live I don't believe I can resale and get even half my money back!
I sooo,admire this breed ,and want to have at least a trio,but I find it hard to give what green fire wants for one chick that is unsexed.if I knew what I would be getting it would make the decision much easier.I mean what if I get one then another and another and end up with all the same sex? Am I the only one struggling w/ this decision or what? Is their some where else to even purchase them.what did some of you do? Where I live I don't believe I can resale and get even half my money back!
I sell juveniles for $100 a bird, regardless the sex. I only sell juveniles, because then you know exactly what you're getting. You know its sex, quality and overall health.

As far as a standard for the breed goes, though, I don't really think there is one out there. The Appenzeller Barthuhner as we know is an extremely rare breed. I have, though found some pictures of what they look like in Germany, something that might give us an idea as to what exactly we should be breeding toward.

Check out these videos:

As you can see, there is still a little but of shafting on the hens' feathers, but significantly less than the ones that are here in the states. The hens also have more brown throughout their body, not mostly a tone of black. the rooster's tail and body also looks a little different. His is tail has more of a round swoop and his body looks a little more compact and upright than the ones GF has. If we're looking for a place to start breeding toward, I think this would be a great place to start.

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